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My name is Armani Hayes and I'm 18 from Miami. I just graduated high school and to be honest I don't know what to do with myself. What I want to do is dance and be a model. My family doesn't think that would be a good choice for me. They think I should be a housewife just like my mom, my grandmother, her mother, and it goes on but that's not me. I don't want to sit on my ass and just have babies while being married to a man who's probably not even loyal. I don't have time for that shit. I'm gonna do me and start my own thing. That's just how I am. And the fun part is I'm not alone in this. My friends Eva and Mya are in on this plan too. Our families are the same in many ways. Then we're all pretty similar and it's part of the reason that we're all best friends. We're like sisters. You might as well say we are because we grew up together. We've all been in on this plan to start something new since our parents tried to plan our lives out when we were 11. And now we're just looking for somewhere to start our lives with these goals in mind. And maybe I'll find me a honey who can understand my goals. Wish us luck!!!

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