After the queen publicly ridiculed Lissa and Rose the assembly and reception went on. If Alexa Grey- Rose's third female classmate- hadn't held Rose back I'm sure Jenée's mother would have been arrested and in jail by now. As soon as the reception was finished Lissa bolted. Only for Rose to follow moments afterwards. By now Jenée was asleep by my feet, curled in on herself with her arms wrapped around my ankles and was using my foot as a pillow. Carefully, I lowered myself and cautiously unwrapped her. I slowly scooped her up and rested her against my chest. She wriggled and squirmed in her sleep until she was comfortable on my hip with her head resting in the crook of my neck and her little arms clutched my shirt like a blanket. With her hanging off me my formal black blazer felt far too uncomfortable, but as long as Jenée was and still asleep I was more than happy to suffer. Without being noticed, I slipped out of the banquet to find the girls and return Jenée to her mother.

When I did find them they were in an adjacent courtyard. Once more they were arguing with Mia Rinaldi. Well, Rose was, Lissa was just standing there and taking whatever it was the Mia girl was throwing at her.
"Rose," I interrupted. "Princess," I greeted.
"Hey," she smiled. "Pass her over," she demanded quietly.
"You weren't about to start a fight, were you?" I questioned while untangling Jenée from me. Well, I tried to, but her grip on my shirt tightened and she mumbled out an incoherent protest.
"No, I don't start fights where people can see them." Rose watched Jenée with amusement and resignation shining from her eyes and smile. Her head shook. "Looks like you're stuck with her for now. Anyway, we were just trading family stories. Mia's is fascinating."
"Rose," Lissa complained.
"At least I'm not the one with two year old and denying her a father or making my mentor shoulder the father's responsibilities."
"You're just jealous because I actually give Jenée attention and love."
"Rose," Lissa and I warned.
"You still have training tomorrow morning," I reminded.
Rose just turned to Lissa. "You going to be okay?"
"I'll be fine. You just focus on Jenée."
"I'm your guardian, Lissa, stop telling me where to focus."
Lissa laughed and Mia huffed and left. "If I'm your charge then I can tell you where to focus, and right now you need to focus on your daughter. I can look after myself."
Rose sent Lissa a disbelieving and sceptical look before nodding and walking away.
"You you sure you're fine, Lissa?"
"I will be, Guardian Belikov. Just keep Rose in line and watch over Jenée, please?"
I took one quick glance at the baby asleep on my shoulder before nodding. "Of course, Princess."
Lissa laughed once more. "Jenée really deserves that title. But no matter. I'll see you around, Guardian Belikov."
"Goodnight, Princess." I nodded out of respect then left and caught up with Rose. I found her just beyond the gates of the courtyard having a staring competition with my friend's nephew. Christian Ozera. Well, it wasn't so much a staring competition as it was a glaring one.

"Rose, now is not the time."
"It so is. Christian Ozera, will you just make her realise she wants you already."
Christian was as good as me when it came to masking emotions and as good as any guardian at hiding his presence. So to see the shock on his face was a first. "How did you- never mind, I shouldn't have to ask. Now, can I go to her?"
"Only if you swear to start taking her out. In. Public." I knew that tone of voice she was using. She was daring him to defy her. "If you don't I'll reveal your little hidey-hole to the whole school."
"That's no way to play Cupid."
Rose grinned as if she'd just discovered she'd won a million dollars. "I'm not playing Cupid," she huffed. "I'm doing the school and you two idiots a gigantic favor."
Christian muttered something about Rose being an annoying know-it-all type mother before more clearly agreeing.

"Maybe we should add an hour in the afternoon to teach you control," I suggested as she and Christian parted ways.
"I have plenty of control."
"Sure, I'll believe that after what I just saw."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
My lips twitched upwards but I otherwise remained silent.

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