Return From The Labyrinth

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                                                      A/N:  Hey guys, this is my first attempt at a full length story and at a Fanfic and I'm super excited! :) I've been planning on doing this for months and finally have the time to just start it.  This chapter is just an introduction to the story- it does get more heated and interesting from here on in, I promise ;) Also, the rating will go up to M. I have already written chapter 9 and I will try keep to posting every week. This is how I would imagine the movie carrying on. 

With regards to copyright ect, I will say this once and once only. I do not own Labyrinth and any of the characters or songs, only the ones I have created to use that weren't in the movie.

Please do love, review and follow and any feedback will be much appreciated and great motivation :) To the best movie ever made.


After a good hour of dancing and having fun with her newly made friends of the Underground- subsequent to returning back home from the Labyrinth- Sarah was utterly exhausted. She hadn't realised how tired she was because she had been so overwhelmed and enthusiastic in celebrating her conquering Jareth, that the wave of exhaustion hit her like a sudden shock and she abruptly felt like collapsing.

They had all been enjoying a good and rather interesting game of scrabble that Didymus had cleverly suggested they play, when she started to yawn uncontrollably. The thirteen hours spent navigating the intricate maze of the seemingly endless Labyrinth had finally caught up with Sarah. All the hours spent on the move either out of fear or ceaseless determination that she felt to rescue her baby brother from the monarchy of the Goblin King was felt, and she had never felt so tired and utterly worn out in her life. She felt that she could sleep for a week quite happily...So long as her dreams werent plagued by nightmares of a dancing Fire Gang who obtrusively tried to take off her head and disasemble their own limbs...

Having said this however, they had turned up at her party in her room and weren't quite as scary and disturbing as she had originally thought. Perhaps it was just her need to get to Toby in time that got in the way of her really being able to enjoy her time with them and have some fun. she had been so driven in that Labyrinth, she had only one motive and goal that had pushed her on right until the end and that was her brother. She had realised the mistake she had made immediately after she had said the words and she had wanted nothing more than to take him back home and keep him as far away as possible from the King.

She didn't know where her mindset had been when she had wished him away, he was just an innocent, wailing baby and only now did she realise that. Yes, he was persistant for attention, and yes it was true, he was spoilt but he was a only a baby afterall and she wasn't about to just forget about him even though Jareth had warned her to, because deep down she did care for him. The Goblin King was cruel and harsh to have taken him away like that-so easily- and she would never forget what he truely was. He was a villian, nothing more. A villian who had tricked Sarah and twisted his words to suite his own benefit. He had tricked her into briefly believing that he longed and cared for her, that somewhere deep down he loved her, and for a few brief moments spent dancing with him at the dream ball, she had believed him. Sarah didn't even know if that ball had been real or not, or whether it had just been a figment of her imagination, influenced by the drugged peach she had eaten. Either way, she would never fall for the Goblin Kings tricks again, because she would never see him again and that is what she wanted. She recalled being momentarily enchanted by him, drawn to him as he held her in his arms as they slowly danced around the strange room.His eyes seemed to have beckoned to her, his voice pleaading with her to stay. But whatever methods he had used to persuade her would never work on her again, and she was relieved that she had not fallen for his tricks any further. When she had woken up in the junk yard she had been the same old determined Sarah again, determined to reach the castle and to reach her brother. She was not the naive and gullibe Sarah of her dream, and she kicked herself for ever feeling that way, to let herself be influenced by him, even if it had been just a dream.

Now, Sarah was visibly exhausted and her friends could clearly see it. She had been pushed to her complete limit- been stressed out of her mind -and she desparately needed to rest.

"It seems as though our fair maiden needs her rest", Sir Didymus proclaimed, leaning back against Ambrosius who was sleeping behind him. They all sat in circle on the floor of Sarah's room playing their game of Scrabble which had turned out to be quite frustrating as none of the Goblins knew how to play, kept on making up words that weren't even real and cheating. The Wiseman kept going off at a tangent about every word he used, explaining to the uninterested listeners about each definition and origin, much to the vexation of his despondant hat. Sir Didymus looked worringly at Sarah through his one eye, noting as she yawned again.

"I've just had very long day, I think I should get some sleep now." She replied.

"Sawah tired." Ludo agreed, looking at her through gentle eyes that reflected only the kind soul that he was.

"You get your sleep Sarah, we'll come back tomorrow, should you just call." Hoggle said, getting up and packing the Scrabble board and pieces away into their box.

The rest of her friends got up with her and gave her a hug. "I will Hoggle, I'll call you tomorrow, don't worry. Thank you, all of you." She said smiling around at all of them. She had grown incredibly fond her of her friends, they had shown her nothing but kindness and loyalty and she treasured each and every one of them, as strange as it may seem.

"Sweet dreams, Mi Lady." Sir Didymus said, "I shall see you in the day of the next sunrise." And with a kiss on her hand and a flourish of his hat, he was gone, along with everyone else. It was as though they had never been there, even the party streamers were gone, vanished into thin air quicker than Sarah could blink. She still couldn't believe the magic of the Underground- it was phenomenal to say the least. Sarah smiled at the empty space of her room, a feeling of final love and fondness in her heart. She may be misunderstood in this house- in this world- but she certainly fitted right into the ways of the Underground and it's inhabitants. She could not have asked for better friends. Suppose wishing Toby away hadn't been ALL that bad, she had met some incredible people and creatures, and had made friendships that would last a lifetime.

Another yawn overcame her, snapping her thoughts back to how tired she was. With a satisfied and well needed stress releasing sigh, she climbed into her bed and switched off her bed lamp. The Labyrinth was over and she would never see Jareth again.

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