Chapter 1.

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It was a cold, winter night in New York City. Me and Sal had just come back from L.A where The guys had live toured. It was 10pm and we both decided to go to get a bite to eat and get a drink. Sal had a Jameson and I had a glass of Red Rose wine. "OH MY GOD!" A girl had shouted. " Lil, Look Its Sal Vulcano!!" Sal looked up and muttered under his breath, "Oh God..." The two girls had come over to us.
"Hey Sal. Sorry to interrupt but we come from Texas and we're on a little vacation and I had to come over because im like your number one fan! I'm shaking." Sal Smiled. " Aw. It's fine, hun. What's your name and your friends name?" - " I'm Ella and this is Lilia." Sal smiled, "Shall we all take a selfie? C'mon...uh, Jade.. can you take the photo?" I took the camera off Ella and taken the photo's. Sal hugged the Girls and said " Lovely to meet you girls, great knowing you're fans of Impractical Jokers! Take care."

" The first thing that will be amazing knowing I have a month off work now is lie-ins. I mean, I'm used to getting up early anyway, but ugh... waking up at like 9:30am- 10:30. Even better." Sal Smirked and looked and me.

 " Well what's the next best thing?" I asked.
"Obviously getting to be with you more. Which reminds me, you're staying over this weekend,right?"
I looked at Sal. " Yes, obviously.. we should head back now its getting late and I'm not sure if i'll be able to walk much longer if I drink anymore."

Sal held my hand as we walked down the street. It took roughly 20 minutes to walk from town to Sal's house. Sal had his arm around my waist and pulled me close as we walked. All of a sudden, we stopped. " Sal, what's up?" Sal Giggled with nervousness and stared into the distance. " Don't move. Walk Slowly across the road with me. " About 10 metres away there were 2 Cats fighting. " I laughed.

Forever ImpracticalOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant