Who is It?

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Red Velvet's Practice Room
Mission Card Zooms in and is Handed to Irene, the leader.
Yeri : What is this?
Seulgi : *shocked a bit*
Wendy : Woah!
Irene : *opens the envelope → reads aloud* Congratulations Red Velvet, one of your members will get married!
Joy : Who could it be? - Me! *grins by her self*
Seulgi : Aiish *pokes Joys skull* This maknae
Yeri : *looks over Irene's shoulders → reads aloud* Guess Who Will Be On WGM, if you guess right there will be a reward - REWARD!
Wendy : Food?
Joy : Beef, ani, Chicken!
Irene : Calm down
Seulgi : We haven't even guessed which member will go on Wgm
Yeri : Who will be the Husband?! Eeekk!
Wendy : Manknae-ah, who do you think?
Yeri : *cheekily smiles* SEVENTEENS Dino? Hahahaha - Eeekkk!
Irene : *face palms in disappointment*

Irene's Comment room
You see, our Manknae is a big fan of Rookie Group SEVENTEEN, and is especially a Big fan of Dino. *deeply contemplates her position in Red Velvet*

Yeri's Comment room
I'm a big fan of SEVENTEEN ever since their show!
When I was a trainee I would watch their shows and laugh a lot.
My favourite? It has to be Dino. He's so cool, like you look at him *hand gestures* and you go 'I want to be cool like him'.

Red Velvet's Practice Room
Joy : YaH! You should be studying!
Wendy : Ommo, this girl
Seulgi : So Shamelessly as well
Yeri : *Devil's smile*
Irene : *facepalming in shame* Let's change the subject to which member will be the bride
Wendy : Since Yeris already sold herself to her Bias, why not her.
Joy : Ani, she's not the proper age
Seulgi : But what if the husband was the same age as her
Yeri : *eyes widen, gives a cheeky smile to Irene*
Irene : There's no way it could be Dino!
Joy : Let the girl dream before she becomes a women
Seulgi : Anyways I think the bride could be Wendy or Irene
Irene : Wae?
Seulgi : Because your the most popular so the program would want you to heighten their viewership.
Wendy : Smart but normally don't they go for younger idols so Joy and Yeri would be more fit
Yeri : Seulgi Unnie, could be a bride since she has trained the longest and quite talented in a lot of things!
Joy : hahahaha, you still have a long way to go
Yeri : what do you mean?
Seulgi : I'm the least popular, well apart from you but you're an exception since your new but it's okay
Irene : Yah - you still have a lot of good Fans tho
Wendy : ottoke, from me and irene who?
Seulgi/Yeri/Joy : Irene!
Irene : *shocked* why would it be me?
Wendy : Why wouldn't it be Me?
Seulgi : Irene is the most Prettiest from all of us and the most popular!
Wendy : Ohhhhhh but usually these days they get the younger ones - maknaes!
Irene : YAH! I might be the oldest but I look younger than our maknaes!
Joy : hey, hey Unnie I think your crossing the line...
Yeri : Irene it is!
Wendy : Wait! - who could the husband be then?

Winner's Dorm Room
Doorbell rings. Jinwoo goes to the door and is given the Mission Card.
Jinwoo : What?
Taehyun : Who is it ?
Jinwoo : Ehh, it's a mission card?
Seungyoon :*approaches the two* What does it say?
Taehyun : it says 'Congratulations Winner, one of your members will be on WGM - But your challenge is to guess who?'
Jinwoo : Mwoh! If we guess right They'll treat us to a REWARD!!
Seunghoon : *from the otherside of the room and halfway through his noodles* What!
Mino : You guys we gotta do this then.
Winner sits down on sofas and continues conversation.
Seungyoon : who do you think it will be then?
Mino : Well I am definitely the most popular so-
Seunghoon : *throws a pillow dramatically at him* Boyah!
Taehyun : I don't think it could be Mino; he is way too scary lookin
Jinwoo : Like the mafia right?
Seungyoon : *hysterically laughing at the corner*
Mino : what? You know some girls are into the dangerous lookin type?
Seunghoon : Aniiiii! I think it may be Jinwoo, he is the prettiest.
Jinwoo : *grins* Thanks.
Mino : But Jinwoo is soo old; don't they normally go for younger ones in idol groups?
Seungyoon : MiN0!
Jinwoo : I'm hurt *grabs his chest solemnly*
Seungyoon : Jinwoo is our old Baby.
Seunghoon : LoL
Taehyun : What if its Seunghoon?
Mino : Yh Right
Seunghoon : What! I do have the most handsome face in Korea *strikes a pose*
Seungyoon : *Crying*

Seungyoon's comment room
To be honest I personally think it might be Mino. He, in my personal opinion is the coolest and girls these days are interested in the dangerous looking. Plus, he's a funny guy.
would you date him? - Maybe... *laughs, blushes, hides his face*

Winner's Dorm Room
Seungyoon : Come on, we need to guess who it is - I think it's Mino!
Mino : Me Too! *chuffed smile on his face*

Mino's comment room
I really hope its me!- Like wouldn't it be amazing, ahhh!

Winner's Dorm Room
Jinwoo : I think its Taehyun
Seunghoon : yh I do too

Seunghoon's Comment room
I just really don't want to believe it will be Mino. *facepalms* I will lose my faith in this industry if it is him.

Winner's Dorm Room
Seungyoon : Taehyun who do you think it will be?
Taehyun : *pulls a torn face*
Seunghoon : Yah it won't be Mino - Just remember that.
Mino : Ayyyy It could be me?
Jinwoo : Taehyun-ahh
Taehyun : I don't want to vote

Taehyun's Comment room
You see I do think it could be me or Mino but we are very expensive *grows uncomfortable and smiles* - wait that's not what I mean. I think that maybe WGM might be pulling something random with YG and so it may be Jinwoo or Seung hoon maybe Sungyoon but I don't know.

Red Velvet's Practice Room
Next mission card appears
Yeri : *snatches the card* What could this be???
Wendy : *reads*- To find who is the bride and groom you have to succeed this challenge, only then you will get the reward
Joy : AHHH! Wae?
Seulgi : What is the new challenge?
Wendy : You have to SEDUCE THE PARTNER!
Red Velvet : *flusters*
Irene : OMMO! OMMO! Otokae?
Yeri: What are we meant to do?
Joy : Yah, isn't this scandalous ?
Yeri : But the reward.
Seulgi : *licks her lips*
Wendy : Ani, Red Velvet won't give up, we will accept this challenge with pride right Irene Unnie
Irene : *In a daze* yh sure...
Yeri/Joy : Irene Unnie ...*burst out giggling*

Winner's Dorm Room
Receive the new mission card.
Jinwoo : Ahh, a new one has arrived - with a new challenge!
Taehyun : *reads* To receive your reward you must find the bride and groom by completing the challenge to SEDUCE YOUR PARTNER! *eyes widen*
Seunghoon : What did you say?
Mino : Is this for real?
Seungyoon : *Cringes so badly on the sofa*
Taeyhun : Ani this has to happen We can Do this, And just like our name WINNER; we are going to Win this!
Winner : *Cheers in agreement*

Authors Note
I hope You enjoyed that - Comment and Vote!
Seriously you guys - Who do you think the couple could be???

We Got Married! (WINVELVET)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें