Love At First Sight

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Dear diary,
July 27-30 ,2015

Knock Knock !! My big sister answer the door she yelled Liseeee SOMEBODY HERE FOR YOU !!!!
I struggled getting out of bed trying to fix myself before I go out looking Rachet .

As I walked towards the door i peaked out to see where she went i was nerves feeling butterflies in my stomach my hands where getting slipper , She handed me a bag inside it was Kosher Dill Pickles my favorite snack to eat im really a big pickle freak . I told Chasity thank you I held them very close to me .

She shout , put them away ! "You holding it like if it was a baby."
I laughed and put them away I came out she pushed me lets talk *it was a turn on * I yelled why so demanding Im not demanding she said , "So you think I wasn't going to come" .
I hesitated to say something I was scared , beginning to run out of words although putting my hands on my face If I was dreaming it my whole life .

When i was glancing out of space , I knew in my mind she really wanted to start over & forever be by my side through the bad , good, & ugly.
My mama also said , " If you hold he/she hand and he/she makes you feel warm,safe and secure, hold onto him . this the person you are going to marry".

You are my best friend, My shoulder to lean on, the 1 person I know I can count on, you're the love of my life, you're my one and only, you're my everything.

Even though you get on my last nerve, I will always love you for who you are in for better and worse you're the best thing that ever happened to me. I would not know what to do if I ever lost you. Chastity mean the moon and back to me i know i push her to a limit she cannot take.
Because I want her to know I care about every little petty thing that gets in the way she deserves so much better and she knows it i wake up every day feeling horrible thinking about all the years i treated her like shit , made her try to kill herself , stable her self . I would not be surprise when she go off in love someone else that's better than me in worths all her time .

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