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By chapter three, I figured I should just continue naming each chapter after a song. So I'm sorry if you have a song stuck in your head while reading XD


They say on the bed. Sebastian still looked like he had a lot on his mind, and Grell was trying to relax him while holding the demons cool hand.

"A demon isn't supposed to feel love," Sebastian said quietly, looking down at the floor. He really wasn't himself.

"Reapers aren't supposed to love demons," Grell started, "looks like we're in the same boat~."

When he didn't respond, Grell leaned over to lean on his shoulder. "Oh, Sebast-chan~."

Sebastian glanced over to the reaper. He released his hand and wrapped his arm around the shinigami's shoulder.

He hesitated. "I... don't know..."

"Maybe I could help~," the reaper said, lifting his head to look at Sebastian, and kissed his check. A small smile came to the demon's face, which brought a bigger one to Grell's. He experimented with the kiss, and ran it along his jaw line. Sebastian didn't protest. Grell ran his lips across his jaw, until he got to the demon's lips.

He hesitated and let out a little laugh before kissing them. Sebastian's lips were as soft as he had hoped, and the demon soon kissed back.

Sebastian turned slightly toward Grell, and wrapped an arm around the reaper's back and the other hand lightly behind Grell's head. They stayed like that for a couple moments, and then Sebastian backed away a little. Grell smiled.

"Are you okay, Sebast-chan~?"

"Yea..." he said. His arm was around still Grell, but his other hand had rested on his own leg. Grell leaned toward the demon's chest and rested his head.

"Doki... doki...~" he muttered, listening to the demon's heart beat. Sebastian put his other arm around the shinigami and held him close.

Something had happened that night that made both Sebastian and Grell act different. Sebastian ran his figures through Grell's blood red hair, and wished for the night the night to never end.


This chapter is a bit shorter than the other ones.... Sorry!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2011 ⏰

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