What a "Girl" Wants

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"Shrill voice~"


The red-headed reaper stood atop the town's clock tower. He wasn't trying to hide from the demon, and he knew Sebastian could sense his presence. It mystified Grell why he wouldn't hint the reaper's presence to his master, but he didn't object.

That brat always gets in our way, anyway. He hopped from rooftop to rooftop, following the butler and his young master.

"Sebast-chan~~" he whispered.

The demon too had kept an eye on the reaper, but was careful not to show that to his master. Finally, Sebastian helped Ceil into the carriage. As they rode to the Phantomhive Estate, Grell surly followed.

Sebastian put his master to bed. Before he left, he asked, "Is there anything I can get you, my Lord?"

"No," he responded.

"Very good, my lord. Good night then." He turned his heel and walked toward the door. As he closed the door, a cart loaded with dinnerware raced down the hallway. Meilin was following, running after it. The butler merely glanced at it and stopped it with his foot. Any of the falling plates he caught with his right hand, and the falling maid caught with the left. He slid the plates back on to the cart, and helped the maid to her feet.

"Th-thank you, Sebastian..." she muttered, looking toward the ground to hide her blush, as if he didn't already know.

"Why are you still up," he asked.

"I-I was getting ready for tomorrow...."

He placed a hand on her shoulder. "Go to bed. I'll take care of it."

Meilin's face was blood red, and Sebastian swore she had stopped breathing. She jumped back and gave a slight bow. "O-of course. G-goodnight, S-Sebastian!" She ran down the hall and turned a corner toward her room.

Sebastian smirked. Always so full of life he thought. He carted the plates back to the kitchen, and made his way to his own room. As he walked in, the candles flared into life. He took of his dress coat and tossed it toward the window, where the reaper narrowly avoided.

"What do you want?" his smile could be heard through his voice.

"~I think it's obvious what I want, Sebast-chan~," he said, smiling to show all his teeth. He tilted his head down so he could see Sebastian over his glasses.

"And you intend to get it tonight," he said, turning.

"Oh~, Sebby-chan~, a girl always gets what she wants, if she fights for it." He rested his death scythe on his shoulder and pushed his hips out.

"Very well," he replied, pushing up his sleeves. "But please be careful. I would hate to wake the young Lord."

"Oh~, Sebby-chan~, he always seems to get in our way~."

Sebastian smirked, and Grell jumped to attack.


AHHHH! ITS SHORTER THAN I THOUGHT I WOULD BE D8 oh well, I got the first one done. Please review! Keep in mind: my first fan fiction and yaoi story! Thank you for reading!

-bows slightly-

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