Chapter Five

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Chapter Five:

The next day they didn't get the third challenge until the sun was going down. They needed to create an app and whichever one was more popular by the end of the deadline, wins.

"Alright guys, let's take this new team spirit and let's apply to this app challenge." Billy announced. "We've got this."

"Yeah, it's help if we had an idea for an app." Stuart pointed out.

"You bet your sweet ass it would, Stewie." Nick told him from his seat at a desk.

"No." Stuart said without looking up from his phone. "Never Stewie."

"Okay, no Stewie. Perimeter breach acknowledged, Stuart." He turned over to Billy who was sitting on the couch playing with a hacky sack. "It'll feel good when this one warms up to me. You know it's gonna happen, right?" He turned back to Stuart who gave him a weird look."I'm gonna break you down like a two-by-four, bronco. Watch me do it."

"Can I call you Stewie?" Maya asked curiously from her place next to Neha. After their mini party the girls had forgotten all about their dispute on their first day and were becoming fast friends. Stuart looked over at her with wide eyes.

"Uh, w-well, I- Do you- Do you want to?" He stammered. Nick and Billy shared a sly look that nobody noticed. Maya stared at Stuart for a few seconds before shaking her head.

"Nah, doesn't feel right. You look like a Stuart." Maya informed him, making him sag with relief.

"Thank god." He whispered so low she didn't hear him.

"Okay guys, let's brainstorm this puppy." Billy called.

"We're gonna put the coffee in the pot and let it percolate." Nick said, snapping his fingers a few times. "Let's go."

"I think it'll be to explore what apps have been most popular in the past." Yo-Yo offered as he went over to his computer.

"Go." Nick urged.

"Go backwards or go forwards." Billy added.

"Nice." Lyle praised Yo-Yo's idea.

"Oh and we could bin it, you know?" Neha offered before moving to do so.

"Fall out." Nick told her.

"Uh, categorizing needle-movers by the type of user." Maya told Neha who nodded excitedly and they quickly got to work.

"You're gonna do what?" Billy asked in confusion.

"There you go, girls." Lyle told them. "Hit it both by function and by old two-prong. You're on the forest moon of Endor, taking out the shield generator, and you're launching an offensive with Admiral Ackbar. It's not a trap."

"Alright guys, I don't wanna kill the momentum or the mojo that you have cooking, but to be fair with you labels and categories don't use apps. People use apps. So I have an idea..." Billy said. "Nowadays, people are taking pictures, right? They have their phones now; they're out. Something catches their eye, they want to take it. But then the photo's just sitting there... what if they take that photo and instantaneously put it out there on the line and they share it with their friends?"

"That's Instagram." Stuart told him, taking a seat at a computer chair and resting his ankle on his other thigh, using his phone. "It already exists."

"It's one of the most popular apps in the world. Facebook bought them for like a billion dollars." Maya explained.

"That's billion, with a 'b'." Stuart tacked on.

"Oh no, mine is very different from that." Billy waved him off.

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