The story begins to spread

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1891 September 15.

The heavy autumn rain was waling the roofs, I remember that well. My beautiful Rosebud were eleven years old and my dearest Lily were about to turn sixteen. Our maid, Finley, came in to my room late at night apologising for the late disturbance, I was a little confused at first, but when she told me what the case was, I was happy. My dear Lily has bled and now she was with our older maid in her room, I was told that she was frightened of what's going on. I hoped that Edna could make her feel better, I really did not know anything about women's bleeding. All I knew that my beautiful daughter were a woman now and she could have children.

My dear Lily stayed all week in her room, she did't wanted to eat anything. Finley took her a meal to her room every time we ate, but she brought the untouched meal back every time. I was worried about Lily and I decided to go talk to her.
I knocked on her door and stepped in after I was clear. Lily sat on her chair looking out of the window, I advanced slowly to her side and looked out.
"How are you dear?" I asked turning my face to her.
"I'm scared." She said quietly and rolled her chair towards me. I looked at her eyes and crouched to her.
"What are you afraid of?" I asked and she looked down.
"My future." She said. I didn't know what to say so I just wrapped my arms around her and kissed her forehead.
"You'll be fine dear. You are the most beautiful, the most clever and the most accomplished woman there is." I said with a smile on my face.
After that, I left her with her thoughts and took Rose with me to wind the sheep. Edna took care of the dishes and Finley went to talk with Lily.
I was so happy that our maids were this close to us.

The next week Lily were as sunny as she normally were. She dwelled with the sheep reading her books and socialize with our young
acquaintances. She really got along with them, especially with that Logan Mac Ealair, he was a good lad, I have to say. Always helping her with the chair and taking her to the walks. They have being close for a long time, but now that Lily bled, I've make sure that Edna or Finley is always there when they are alone. Logan is a fine lad, but he's only eighteen and very childish. He's just a lad, not a man.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2015 ⏰

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