My head abruptly fell back on the cosy pillow as a side effect of shock.

I was in a hospital – a freaking hospital, without any knowledge, how I even got here.

How the fuck...

The thought couldn't go through, since the grip on my hand hardened, and I yelped. But that made the other person release my hand and I heard a sound of moving chair. And then half of a face moved in my eye sight, eyebrows furrowed, lips insanely twitching.

Maybe I could ask for explanation, I thought, without fully recognizing the person. But the features soon became recognizable, the brown hair, the sharp white face of shock and those...

Those green, puffy eyes.

''Eren,'' I exhaled, searching for his hand. His face suddenly softened, eyebrows fell in a straight line, as he gasped and moved even closer. His hand found mine, roughly intertwining our fingers. He was really close, trying to smile, but I could see the agony in his eyes.

His broken emerald eyes, filled with tears, which were slowly falling down, as he tried to wipe them away.

He gasped even louder, like he was choking, but he managed to crack me a bitter smile.

''Lay still,'' he tried to sound soft and unbroken, but his voice was bitter and low, cracking like crazy. He continued to observe my face, as his eyes kept darkening with every second his gaze drifted across my skin.

He was worried – like insane. I've never seen him so sad and full of tears, but the saddest part was, that I didn't even know, why he was like this. The questions circled in my mind like sharks around their bait.

What happened, why is he like this, why do I feel like cracking apart, why do I think the answers will only hurt me, where is everybody...

''Where am I?'' I asked the stupidest question, which I already knew the answer to. But if I wanted some real answers, I had to start from beginning.

His lips twitched even more, his face going paler every second. ''Mikasa...'' he tried to warn me with sharpening his voice, but I slowly shook my head and bit my lower lip. Seeing him being so protective made my stomach into a tight ball. Slowly, tears filled my eyes, as his never stopped coming and that made me feel even worse.

''Just answer my question Eren,'' I whispered, giving him a broken look, but he just tried to look away, hiding his flushed face. He started shaking his head, silently gasping.

Griping on his hand, I let out a light cry: ''Eren, please.'' My head fell down, and I bit my lip, tasting the salty blood. I was trembling, even when I felt warm, but the impatience, building up in me from all the twitchy feelings couldn't be tamed. I had to know, what the hell happened.

When Eren looked back at me, I pulled the saddest look, I could find. I let my tears fall and I softened my grip around his wrist, so I looked totally broken, practically bagging for the answer.

And it worked.

Eren let out a low sigh, his shaking hand making its way through his hair, as he finally replied.

''The hospital.''

''For how long?''

''Mikasa,'' he nervously said, but I just shook my head. ''Just answer the damn question,'' I was beginning to sound even more impatient, slowly losing my mind.

''Four days – you woke up right after we brought you here, but you had no strength and you fell asleep right away.''

''And our parents? Do they know?''

The blue-eyed raven (Rivamika fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon