Chapter 29

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We hop on the train and return to Dauntless. I have no idea what I was doing in Abnegation anyway. I guess it doesn't matter; I am going back to Dauntless, back to the control room to dismantle the simulation.

I enter the control room with Amar and get to work on the keyboard, typing in codes to try to stop what I see on the screens. In front of me I see images of Dauntless soldiers shooting and killing people. They are all still trapped in the simulation. I need to find the right code to get them out and stop this from happening.

I am usually good with computers, so why is this taking so long? It seems like it has been hours, or even days since I started trying to stop this from happening.

Amar stays in the room with me and there is something that just isn't right about that. He is supposed to be dead. They found him along the tracks just before choosing day, shot in the back of the head. Maybe he really wasn't dead, maybe they took him to the hospital and he recovered. But that is impossible, I saw it happen, I was working in the control room and watched helplessly as a masked figure all in black came up to him and shot him. He can't possibly be here, but he is.

My head feels like it is going to explode. I'm really happy to see my old mentor but the feeling that he shouldn't be here and this isn't right keeps eating away at me. I know something isn't right about all of this. I should have been able to stop this simulation by now. I need to focus.

I concentrate on stopping the simulation. He isn't attacking me; he isn't doing anything that shows there to be a problem, so I'll worry about my suspicions after I dismantle the simulation.

I continue to hammer away on the keys trying. Suddenly Amar looks alarmed. There are noises out in the hall, gun shots and people shouting. He tells me to stay here and continue working, so I do. There is nothing more important than stopping the simulation. The noises in the hall continue then it is silence. Amar must have stopped them from coming because I hear the door open behind me.

Then I hear a familiar voice, "Tobias."

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