Chapter 1. The perfect first kiss

Start from the beginning

"Thanks I better get going." After that day I would always find Sam on his tire swing or on my front porch waiting for me. We've been best friends ever since he saved my life.


"We're almost there!" I flashed back to reality as Sam yelled, looking down I saw we were really high and I was loving it.

"Come on get to the top." I grabbed Sam's hand and squeezed, he looked at me and smiled. He squeezed my hand back and I felt my cheeks flush, What was wrong with me? When the ride stopped at the top I wrapped my arms around Sam and yelled with glee.

"Woohoo!!" Sam's arms came to my sides and the cart lurched forward, I yelled and so did Sam our voices rang through the air. Going through twists and turns me and Sam yelled the whole time enjoying ourselves, it came to a stop and I knew my hair was a hot mess and my face was flushed.

"That was awesome!!!" I yelled and Sam laughed.

"Yeah but you look awful."

"Aww hurtful Sam."

"Aww you know you love me." He wrapped his arms around my shoulders and I giggled, when I heard Ana's voice.

"I knew you two looked cute together." She smiled when Keith kissed her neck, "If you two wanna come we're going on the Music Festival." We nodded and followed her to the ride, she got on with Keith because they wanted to make out some more. So I climbed in with Sam.

The ride began and we rocked the cart back and forth laughing as we did it, the music played and I sang along with Sam. He wrapped his arm around me and I blushed again, what was with me today? After it was over I had to get home because it was getting late, I rushed to get Ana but she shook her head.

"Sorry Bee but I ain't gotta be home until later and I wanna spend some more time with Keith do you think you can get a ride with Sam?" I knew since she was sixteen her mom let her stay out late, I was only fifteen and my parents were really strict. It sucked always the youngest of my friends Sasha was sixteen and so were Ana, Keith, and Sam.

"Yeah sure I'll get a ride with Sam." I kissed her on the cheek and watched as she left with Keith, turned my eyes searched for my best friend when I saw him, "Sam!"

He turned and waved as I ran over, he picked me up and I smiled, "I knew you couldn't resist me."

"Oh shut up I need a ride home hot stuff." I tried to say seducing but he just started to laugh.

"Nice try but that didn't work but you know I'd give you a ride come on."

"Thanks Sammy." He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and we walked to his car, since Sam was already sixteen going on seventeen he had already gotten his license. Climbing in the car he turned it on and blasted the music, that's what I loved about Sam he was a free spirit.

Just being around him made you wanna laugh, or smile, or just be happy. I always enjoyed being with him it made me feel bubbly inside, not that I liked Sam. Ana always said we looked like a cute couple but Sam was my best friend, I didn't want to ruin our friendship. He was like my older brother I've always wanted, but I'm not going to lie I do have a crush on him. He was my first kiss.

It was my thirteenth birthday and we had snuck away from the party and went to his tire swing, he was pushing me when I laughed.

"I love when you laugh." He said and made my cheeks burn.

"Aww thanks Sam." I went to hug him and fell out of the swing, we rolled and wrestled until we came to a stop. Sam was on top of me making my breath run short. He brushed a hair from my face showing the redness of my cheeks, then he reached down and kissed me. My instincts kicked in and kissed him back, his lips were soft and just perfect. When he pulled away I was out of breath and he helped me up, amazingly we went back to the party not mentioning the kiss again.

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