"I can never be sure with you lot."

"And we don't expect you to." A new voice joins our conversation and I find that we've met all of the brothers outside the forbidden door. "That would be mortifyingly boring." Laito comments with a tip of his hat.

"Teddy didn't like being bored." Kanato comments with a sad smile. Oh, Kanato.

"Teddy hasn't died in vain just yet, Kanato. I'll fix him for you if you want." I offer.

"You can do that?" He asks curiously.

"Of course! How do you think I got that skirt which drives Reiji mad?"

"I beg your pardon? Are you implying that you made that monstrosity?" Vampire in question asks, horrified.

"That monstrosity hasn't gotten me in detention yet, so we're good. You still have you family's reputation despite being the weirdest family I've ever met." I soothe him.

"This is tiresome. Can we get this over and done with, already?" Shu asks with a yawn.

Damn, he's more tired than usual. I didn't know that was possible.

"For once, I agree with him. Let's wrap this up quickly." Subaru slightly growls.

"I thought Laito wrapped it up when he torched the place?" I ask in confusion.

"Another reason that we're locking it." Ayato replies.


"When Laito decided to burn the place, he used his own special type of flame. An unfortunate ability that all of the triplets seemed to inherit." Reiji sighs. "These chains should be able to nullify all uses of magical abilities."

"Aww, Reiji. They're not 'magic' as such. More like...'talent'." Laito giggles.

"There's apparently talent in burning down an entire room." Reiji retorts with a disapproving glare.

"Not just an entire room." Kanato whispers.

An uncomfortable silence fills the corridor as we all know what he's talking about.

You just had to bring that up, didn't you?

"That's in the past." I speak up and all heads turn to me. "The bitch is dead now. She can't hurt any of us. Neither can Richter. And if anyone else ever tries. They're having their arse kicked, their eyes gouged out, and being slowly stabbed to death; and that's just by me. I don't know what the hell you guys are going to do." I chuckle softly.

Everyone seems to have a slight smile on their face, all apart from Reiji who just seems horrified.

"Well, let's get this show on the road!" I say, trying to lighten up the dismal mood.

I make my way towards the door and find that there are already six chains connected to the giant padlock in the middle. The only thing out of place was a chain simply hanging.

Seven chains, seven people; or in this case, six vampires and one human girl who has a demon's heart. Whether the whole concept is on purpose or coincidental, I'm not going to ask and have they tease me for being sentimental or something.

Instead, I take the lone chain and weave it into the padlock. Before I shut the door for hopefully forever, I turn around and ask. "I don't have to give a speech or anything, do I?"

They all glare at me.

"Forget I asked."

I turn back to the padlock and say a few words in my head. I really wanted to say 'Hope you burn in Hell.' Or something like that, but the something inside wouldn't allow it, so instead I thought.

Rest in peace, Cordelia, and stay dead this time.

I seal the door forever and suddenly see a ghostly form of Cordelia.

Back away in fear; and then snarl in anger. "You stay away from me, bitch!" I clench my fist and then unclench it, revealing flames in my hand. I wasn't scared, and with a primal scream I aim for the door when I hear,

"Eliza! Calm the fuck down!"

Ayato appears in front of me.

"Get out of the way!" I scream furiously, before all I feel is my face suddenly whipping to my right and a stinging sensation on my cheek.

In my mild shock, the fire falls from my hands, and Laito and Kanato start stamping it out.

With heavy breaths, I look up at Ayato's face. A mixture of anger and fear. I look past him and see that Cordelia's ghost is no longer at the door.

"What the fuck was that?" He shouts at me.

"I don't know." I answer in a shaky voice. All of the brothers look at me with a mix of worried expressions. "This isn't over, is it?"

At their solemn silence I know the answer.

This isn't over.

It isn't over at all.

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