Chapter forty-five

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Danielle's POV

*** 3 years later***

So it's been three years since Harry and Miya passed away and today I was going to visit there graves today.

I quickly stopped at the flower shop to pick up some flowers for them.

Once I arrived at the graveyard I parked then I slowly walked up to their graves.

I kneeled down I between both of their graves and a year slipped down my cheek as I was thinking about them Bering alive and happy.

"hey" I spoke softy

"it's me danielle......again. I know I've been coming hear lately. Bu I can't help it I like talking to you guys even if you know you are up there an I hope your having a great time up know you guys are a family up there I hope..tell little Darcy I say hi. O speaking of families guess what Eleanor is having a baby we don't know the sex yet but they plan to name them after you guys. O yeah and Zayn finally proposed to Perrie, they should be getting married around August. I'm so proud of them there do cute together.....And me and Liam got married you should of seen him he was so happy and I'm happy with him and were just so happy together. God I wish you guys were hear so I could hear your guises voices......I miss you guy...O I brought you guy something. Look FLOWERS...I brought red rises for Harry and pink for you Miya. I hope you guys like them I also brought you guys this picture it's of you guys on your wedding day. I think it's the best pic of you guys it makes me smile since you you have cake on your face Miya and Harry your face is just so funny ....well I gotta go now...I started dancing again so you know I have to got-O WAIT your parents and siblings told me to tell you that they love and miss you. There doing so much better now but they still have there days. But anyway I love you guys so much and I'll see you soon ok......bye"

Once I was done I kisses both of there tomb stones and I walked away looking back at the at there graves

"I love you guys" I said as I continued to walk to my car.


Awe danielle

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