Act 11

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I decided I needed to finish what I was saying. It had been seven hours since I last told Matt, and the more I thought about everything, the more it hurt me. The doctor came in an hour or so ago, and told me they were releasing me in the morning. 

"Justin, it's good to see you awake!" The doctor said. "Do you know anything about a broken rib of yours?"

"Well no, not exactly. I've had a lot of pain there recently, but I've been brushing it off, and trying not to think about it. Why?" I asked.

"Well, the reason why you started coughing up blood and why you ended up here, was because you had a punctured lung, and-"

"Wait, so you think this 'broken rib' of mine, puntured the lung?"

"Yes. Look, if you could tell me how, and how long this pain has been going on, I can treat you. I planned on sending you home in the morning, but if you can't tell me, I won't be able to give you the right medicines which can cause more harm than help. Unfortunately, I won't be able to send you home either."  

I rolled my eyes. It seemed like everyone was jumping on me about my past. First Matt, then Emma, and now this white coated man. 

"I was in a plane crash about five weeks ago. That's how." I gave him the death stare. It was hard enough to tell one person this, let alone a stranger. 

"Oh, I see." He paused. He looked at me, but he was lost in his own thoughts, almost as if I had left the room. "Wait, were you in that flight from Auckland to Newark?"

"Yeah. Why? Look Doc, I'd really rather not talk about this. I just want out of this joint." 

"Okay, yeah I understand." He looked dumbfounded. Almost like he wanted more information, but like hell I was going to give it to him. He joted a couple of notes down, and left. About twenty minutes later, Matt walked back in with some ice cream. 

"Do you remember the last time I had ice cream?" I asked Matt as I eagerly snatched the cup of chocolate goodness from his hands.

"Judging by how fast you're eating it, not for a very long time." Matt chuckled. 

"You got that pretty damn right." I was in heaven. It was the first real food I've eaten since I had been put in the hospital four days ago. 

"All right bro-" Matt started to say, but I knew what he was going to finish with anyway.

"Storytime, I know." I looked at him and gave him that 'don't think I'm stupid' face. 

"Thanks." He said, as he looked down at his vanilla cup, coated in rainbow and chocolate sprinkles. 

"I woke up inside the plane. It was burning, and the entire top of the cabin had peeled back like a banana peel. I remember smelling smoke, heat, oil for one thing, and this horrid smelling odor. It took me several minutes to be able to see straight, and think straight. I could hear people groaning, but most of them were trapped. It took me a minute to be able to stand, but I couldn't put any weight on my ankle. I had actually dislocated some things, but they fixed it in surgery, and I was only on crutches for a week when I got home. And-"

"Justin. Your sidetracking."

"Oh, sorry! Anyway, I know I thought to myself I had to find my mum. We had two seperate tickets, since they weren't sure when I'd be back from my 'little adventure'. I tried to help people along my way to the back of the plane carcass, but most of them were dead, dying, not in their seats. I guess they had fallen out of the plane when we crashed and had died elsewhere. I got to the back of the wreck, and saw my mum. She was nearly lifeless, barely able to move. I remember hearing the roar of the fire getting closer and closer. She managed to lift her head and she told me that she loved me, and that I had to take care of Sammy for her, and tell her that she loved her. I told her she could tell her that herself when she got home. She shook her head no, for me to go now, the plane was going to explode. I knew that, but I couldn't leave her. I stayed there, and she kept telling me to run. I tried to get her out of the seat, but that damn seat belt was stuck!" I was starting to choke. "I couldn't get it, it was stuck! She grabbed me with the last of her strength, and hugged me tight, kissed me, and told me she loved me and for me to run. I didn't even think and hurtled me body out the window, just in time that the plane exploaded to bits. I remember hitting the ground really hard, and that there was a lump in my pocket. I reached my hand down after several seconds, since the explosion was so loud, I had lost my senses for a second. There, in my pocket, was a knife from dinner. A metal knife. A metal knife sharp enough to cut through that shitty nyon seat belt! I could've saved her! I could've saved my mum, Matt!" I looked at him, and started bawling like a baby. 

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