Chapter five

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"I don't like this idea." I say to Tobi as we walk to newlook, "What if I get found?"

"It's the best idea we have and if your found run." I look over just past the shop and see my ex best friend Caitlin and her old sister Tiffany walking down the street.

"Shit." I mutter, "I know them girls."

"Well let's go say hi." He says and walks ahead.

"Layla!" Caitlin screeches, "I haven't seen you in so long. How are you."

"I'm great." I say forcing a grin, "How are you."

"I'm just fab." She say, "There's been so much gossip you missed. A lot is about you."

"Yeah I don't really care." I say looking at Tobi.

Tiffany looks at my strangely then asks, "What are you wearing?"

I look to see what's wrong with my outfit in the reflection of a shop window. Black leggings and a simple white top with a red heart. Black trainers and a black jacket around my waist. I also have a black backpack slung over one shoulder. To me theirs nothing wrong with it. Simple and easy to run in.

"There's nothing wrong with it." I say and thy look at me in disgust, "What's your problem."

"Nothing I need to go now though." Tiffany and Caitlin walk in the opposite direction to me.

"That went great." I say and look at Tobi, "Next time we avoid people I know or I punch them."

"Got that now come on." Me and Tobi go in newlook so I can get a replacement pair of skinny jeans.

"I don't like the idea." I say to Tobi as we leave, "You lot are out doing your thing and I need to go collect your car."

I say not saying that the sidemen are stealing cars from a local dealer and I need to get the police looking for me while Tobi gets his own car what was stolen back off him.

"I have no better ideas but all they all would be after us so it would be simple for you." He whispers."

"I still don't like it one little bit." I tell him, "Why couldn't I stay at base and clean up or something."

"Josh." He says and rolls his eyes.

"Yeah Josh."


"Guys we're back!" Tobi shouts as we walk in.

Simon is sitting on the sofa an says without looking up, "They are setting up."

"Why are you not then?" I asked, Simon always seemed to do the important shit.

"Josh." Simons rolls his eyes, "Wanted me to sort the weapons out here. Took less than five minuets."

"So your stuck here?" Tobi asked and Simon nodded, "Layla would you go upstairs or something I need to talk to Simon."

"Sure." I run up the stairs as quickly as possible and press my head to the floor boards I can hear every word.

"What's been up with Josh lately?" I think that's Tobi.

"I don't know I think he's worried about them."

"We can take them."

"Not at the rate they are growing. We need more people.

"Is that why Josh gave Layla a chance?"

"No I think he just saw something in her."

"I don't know then."

I hear a door open and shouts of we're back. I tip toe into my room and start sorting out my clothes into draws.

"Layla!" Josh shouted.

"Coming!" I walk down the stairs, "What is it?"

"We're all going out." He say and everyone looked shocked, "Now."

We all walked out after Josh who basically sprinted through the ally's. The others stayed silent a they followed and I stayed at the back not too far behind. Ethan slowed down so he was running at the same pace as me.

"Alright I don't really like you." He whispered, "But you could be useful."

"I'm not some object to be used." I hiss back.

"Anyway I need a favour."

"Why would I help you?" I snap loud enough for only Ethan to hear.

"Because it's the only way." He said, "It helps you as well as me."

"What do you want then?"

"Find out what Josh is planning." He says deadly serious, "Quickly catch them up I will tell you more later."

"I haven't agreed to it yet."

AUTHORS NOTE: Sorry about this chapter. Once again it's a bit fillery but I need to get this important stuff in somehow and I need build up. Build up for what you may ask. Well maybe something like 😍💋🔫🔪

That's all the spoilers your getting.

Hugs, kisses and peace ✌🏻️

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