Chapter four

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"Come on Sky!" Harry shouts waking me from my dreams.

Josh sorted out a small box room for me to stay in, well when I say Josh sorted it I really mean that Josh got Harry to sort it.

It's nothing like I'm used to. No pink carpets, no flat screen TV and differently no walk in wardrobe full of design clothes. More like dirty wooden floors, Peeling wallpaper and no space to move.

"What!" I snap, you do not wake me when I'm sleeping, I glance at the time, epically at five thirty.

"Josh called for a meeting." Harry pulled the thin blackest I wrapped myself and threw it on the floor.


"Your one of us now. To the annoyance of the others." I climb out of bed and look for a jumper, "Your the eighth member of the sidemen."

"You might need to change the name." I put on a hoodie and go down stairs, "I quite like Layla's bitches."

"I don't." We walk into the dining room which has been turned into a meeting room, "And your annoying."

I get some funny looks off of Ethan when I walk in.

"I'm not." I take a random seat and Ethan continued to give me looks from across the table, "I'm a very likeable person and not in the slightest annoying."

"Of corse not." Josh says, "It's probably because she's been hanging out with Harry. Anyway guys welcome Layla to the sidemen and Harry your off of training duty. I need you for the car thing."

"Who's going to train her then." Harry asked.


"What!" JJ shouted, "I was going to help on the cars. No offence Layla but I wanted to do this shit."

Josh laughed, "I don't care. Enjoy teaching her to drive."

"I can drive." I tell them, "I haven't passed the test of anything but I can drive.

"See I don't need to train her." JJ said, "She could help with it."

"No she can't!" Ethan shouts, "You pick up some random chick of the streets and let her join! Your not allowing a 17 year old girl to just jump in and help with something we've been planning for months. No way. It's to risky she could spoil the whole operation."

"For once Ethan is right." Josh replied, "We can't have Layla on this."

"I think we should kick her out before anything bad happens." Ethan tried to convince Josh, "Why did you let a girl in anyway. They always fail."

"Sexist." I snap, "And I didn't."

"It's true though." Harry said, "Every girl has failed other than you."

"I don't care at the moment." Josh called, "I'm in charge so I will say Layla won't join this. JJ if she can drive you can come but Layla can't. Tobi your not joining this one are you."


"You can keep an eye on Layla." Josh faces Ethan, "We all know you hate the girl but deal with it."

"I don't need baby sitting." I say, kinda annoyed.

They all continue to argue over it completely ignoring me. They all kept giving reasons why they couldn't stay.

"Josh I'm your best driver!" JJ shouts over the noise, "Let Vikk do it."

"I would but I'm hacking the alarm. No one else can do that." Vikk replies, "I honestly would but you need me."

"I ain't baby sitting the bitch." Ethan says.

"I DON'T FUCKING NEED BABY SITTING FOR GOD SAKE!" I scream, "Good now you are listening. You go steal the cars and just leave me here. I could clean up or something it's kinda dirty."

"Okay." Josh says and turns to Vikk, "Could you hack it from here?"

"I could but if they could possibly trace it back to us." Vikk tell everyone, "It's possible but way too risky."

"Well we're not doing that. Any other ideas." Josh says and looks right at me, "That don't include leaving Layla by her self."

"Ditch her and put her back out on the streets." Ethan shouts and everyone ignores him.

"I have one." Tobi says quite quietly, "Its not a good one but it's better than nothing."

Everyone looks at him because he stayed silent the whole time during the meeting.

"Well what is it then Tobi?"

AUTHORS NOTE: Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed it. It's kinda a filler chapter with a Clift hanger. So yeah. I really don't know what to put in the authors notes. Do you want my life story or something because I'm good at that.

Please can you tell me a few good fanfics to read I have a load but I will end up reading them all so quickly.

Mums wedding next Saturday.

Hugs, kisses and peace ✌🏻️

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