Hide and Seek

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Spider-Man POV

Suddenly out of the blue both Danny and someone from the other dimensional people stumbled back where they were caught by their friends.

Sometimes I wish I knew what was going on with this team

Wait how are you non frozen? hah reference

How are you not frozen?

This is my power

No it's mine

Whatever why are you guys even here

We are hunting portal master

Who in Thor's name is him

He is a wielder like us but gone bad. He uses the essence to create portals he was the one who brought us here.

How can't you defeat him

Have you ever tried to track down a guy who can teleport

No, but what even is your name?



I can control the weather and air

Who are you with?

Shadow is the one Deadpool wanted to kill someone with. Seer is the only girl, Nightmare is the one who just stumbled and Flare is the one who got your friend's amulet. Who are with you?

Nova is the one who was shooting at the ground, White Tiger is the one who has the amulet, Iron Fist is our magic guy and Power Man is our muscle.

For the last time, why are you hunting us?

Our boss told us to bring you in

Okay so we should probably unfreeze now


After that conversation we both unfroze only to hear Nightmare say to Twister

"Hide and Seek" it confused me to no end but Twister seemed to get it. After an apologetic look in my direction they took off running and disappeared into the trees.

"Looks like they weren't kidding when they said hide and seek and it looks like we're seeking" said PM. Ava scooped something up from the ground and I saw it was her amulet.

"Spread out they'll have split up and we need to find them and bring them back to S.H.I.E.L.D." We all took off running in different directions, they might have a head start but this is our city. But I was the Ultimate Spider-Man and I was going to complete my job no matter what.

Twister come here

Why do you leave it on a cliff hanger, you are such a terrible author

Silence, I control you but I might possibly need a tiny favour


Can you tell the readers what you guys look like

Do I have a choice


Fine, Firstly we were not in costume when we first encountered the other people so I have wild sandy coloured hair. I wear a green T-shirt and tan khakis, and my eyes are blue. My costume is a full body suit, my head my eye part is white while the rest of my suit has thunderclouds on it. It literally is enchanted to show storms and the like.

Flare has red hair and hazel eyes, he wears a red hoodie with a black shirt and jeans. His costume is just a suit that shows his face and the arms stop half way. It was red with white lightning designs on the arms that turned into a straight line down and became lightning again on his legs. He was usually too fast for people to see his face though.

Seer has long dark brown hair and green eyes, she has a purple T-shirt and Jean jacket with Jean pants. In costume she puts her hair in a braid and a black mask to cover her eyes, She wears a black T-shirt and leggings   and has a belt with her two daggers clipped on.

Nightmare has black hair and eyes, he usually wears a white T-shirt and black pants. His costume is completely white with a sun emblazoned on the chest. He wears a black bandana to cover up his mouth and his arms are showing.

Shadow has blond hair and blue eyes that are lighter than mine, he wears a blue shirt and grey pants. His costume consists of putting on a silver mask since he was usually invisible.

So that's all wrapped up I'll be going now

Not until you swear that you won't tell anyone what you have heard in my little chat with you

I swear on thyros that I will not tell anyone about our little chat. Wait I didn't mean to say that.

Told you I have power over you. Now onto the topic at hand so since everyone split up the next chapter will be a bunch of different POV's instead of my usual 1.

And I would like to thank SpidyGirl20 for her support and please go and check her and my friend OwlProtecter out

Thanks, Bye

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