Chapter 24- You killed my best friend

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This is the second time I've updated today. MY SISTER LOVES THE STORY! Ehh....

Reese POV

In what felt like 5 mintues or so, I saw a few people I didn't know. They took me by the hands and pulled me up into nothing but white light. I felt free and weightless. 

We finally stopped moving and I saw a man, who I have talked about, but never seen before.

"Jesus?" I asked in confusion.

"Yes. There are some people I'd like you to see." He moved out of the way and I saw mum and dad. I felt happy tears come to my eyes.

"Mummy? Daddy? It's you!" I ran up and hugged them. I saw their flawless faces. There wasn't even a scratch on them from the car accident they died in. 

"Reese, baby! Why did you kill yourself honey? I mean, I'm so glad you're here with us, but your friends and Char..." Dad said to me. 

"I was getting a lot of hate. Someone told me to kill myself. So I did. They said no one would care."

"Reese, look." Mum said, pointing down. I did as she said and looked down. I saw me. I saw myself lying on my bedroom floor. Then I see my door bust open. Niall is standing there, screaming my name. He runs up to me and kneels down to my lifeless body. All of a sudden, Charlotte comes in. She just drops to the floor. Doesn't scream, just drops and cries. Then Anne comes in and drops next to Charlotte. Harry and the rest of the boys follow. They run to me and Liam calls 911 while Zayn reads my note.

"You thought no one cared. Everyone cares, babe. Niall cares. Harry cares. Charlotte cares the most." Dad said. 

"You have to make a choice. Stay here or go back to your friends and family." Mum told me wisely. I thought about it for a few minutes. 

"I think I'm going to go back, but can I stay here a while longer?" 

"You may stay for another day, but you have to go back after that." Mum said.


Niall POV

"REESE! OH MY GOD!" I rushed over to her. I took her pulse and it wasn't beating. 

"Reese! Baby, come back to me! Please." I tried putting breath back into her but she was gone.

"Niall, what's wr-" Charlotte stops herself as she sees Reese lying dead on the floor. She drops to the ground and curls into a ball. Anne then comes in, sees us crying and drops down with Char. Then four boys walk in, they rush over to Reese and I. 

"Reese!" Harry screams. He goes to her other side and cries into her shoulder. 

"We need help! A girl killed herself! Please come help 455 Amelia Lane! Hurry!" Liam yelled into the phone.

"Niall," Zayn started. I looked up. "She has a note" He cried.

He gave it to me and I started to read it. With every word, I bawled more. I don't see why she had to kill herself like that. 

I decided to get one twitter. I saw that Reese was still logged in on my phone. I scrolled down to see many hate posts telling her to kill herself. Shit.

"Boys We need to do a twitcam!" I yelled.

"Niall, I don't think now is th--" Liam started.

"NOW!" I screamed and cried. I got her laptop and logged into my twitter.

"Twitcam in 2 minutes! Hurry. Don't miss out!" I tweeted. There were thousands who favorited already.

I got on the laptop. Signed into twitcam and waited. 300,000 viewers in 30 seconds.

"Hi guys." I said sulkily as I wiped away my tears.

"My baby killed herself today. Reese killed herself" I cried harder. Liam had to step in.

"We saw her twitter. Seriously? A hate page?" Liam started crying himself. I looked at the tweets saying how sorry they were and they didn't think she would actually do it.

"I can no longer call you people directioners, if all you do is bring people down. That's not what we're about." Harry butted in.

"You killed my bestfriend" He cried and shut down the laptop. We all walked over to Charlotte and Anne who were still sitting by the door. We sat down and cried with them. We stayed there until the ambulance came 20 minutes later. 

They picked her up, put her on the gurney and carried her out. Only two people got to ride with her So, Charlotte and I volenteered first.


Sorry this was short update. I'm saving the good stuff for the next chapter!

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