Chapter Twenty Six

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"Are you sure you're alright, Padmé? Should I take you home?"

Padmé sighed. "Yes, Bail, for the tenth time, I'm alright. And no, I do not want to go home. I have been held hostage by Threepio in that apartment for too long. Now can we please enjoy dinner without anymore talk of what happened?"

Senator Bail Organa simply shook his head and smiled, truly astonished at how quickly his friend had bounced back from her nearly-fatal injury. Considering what had happened, and why, he wondered whether or not it was such a good idea to have taken her out to dinner. For all they knew, there was already someone else trying to make easy payment by killing Naboo's senator.

Padmé noticed Bail glancing repeatedly at the nearest window. He had hardly touched his very expensive meal. Many people in the restaurant were staring at her and whispering. She finally caught his eye. "If this makes you uncomfortable-"

"Of course it makes me uncomfortable, Padmé! What really worries me is that you don't seem to be at all bothered by the fact that you were nearly murdered, and an assassin could be out right now to finish the job!"

"Bail, please. You, of all people, should know that I'm no stranger to taking risks. I will not let anyone force me to be a prisoner in my own home, no matter how much they may want me dead. I refuse to live my life afraid of my own shadow, always fearing what lurks around the corner. If there's a price on my head, then it must be for a reason."

"Padmé, you are braver than anyone I have ever known, and a kriffing good politician, but you must understand that you have no choice but to be cautious. I don't want you becoming a martyr, just because you decided to be brave. Think of your friends, your loved ones. Right now, you are only thinking of yourself." Bail looked at her with intensity.

Padmé opened her mouth to object, with an argument on her tongue that would make Anakin proud, but she knew that he was right. Unlike her husband, Padmé kept her mouth shut and allowed her temper to cool down. Bail was right. She may have thought that she was being selfless for her people and for democracy, but she was really just being careless.

She took a deep breath before giving a smirk not unlike that of her husband's, and said, "You always were the better debater."

Bail Organa laughed. "I'm just glad you actually listened to me, for once."

AN: Ok, I know that was short, but I hoped you liked it! Please comment and tell me what you think! Have a wonderful day and may the Force be with you!

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