Chapter 4 ⚽️ Adventure Called Ahead

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"It's not possible..." For the first time in Kidou's life, he wondered if his blue goggles had gone weary.

Someoka trapped in a playing card. Possibilities couldn't reach that far.

Yet, he resembled his friend. The short pink hair in a buzz cut, the dark tanned skin on his tall muscular build, his big nose, small pinkish eyebrows above his sharp black eyes, the black mole below is left eyes.

They belonged all to Someoka Ryuugo. This was Someoka Ryuugo. He was knocking hard, as if trying to push past a transparent wall.

"What happened?" Kidou couldn't fathom a guess.

"Those guys attacked me is what happened!" Someoka's bark came. "Sealed me in some stupid card!"


"No time for that, they're after the team. We have to get to the others before those creeps do." Someoka warned.

"He's after the team?" Those were the very action that contraindicated some of Kenzaki's words. Or not, what if he only meant some of them were to be left untouched, for now.

"We'll have to get to Hibiki-kantoku." Kidou explained. "He knows more then any of us."

By that time, people were rejoicing that none had been killed. Though injuries included a long list enough to fill a book, everyone would live to see the next day. That was enough.

Police officers still scanned some areas, dictating the safety to move on them. Fire fighters focused on the damages that could cause more to come if not processed. The last family was reunited half an hour ago.

A phone call from the hospital had Gouenji's mood lifted. Yuuka's voice had that effect. His body shifted, fully relaxed.

After his call, Kazemaru joked. "It's almost like she forgot there even was an earthquake after she saw you."

"She's always been like that." Gouenji agreed.

"She's lucky," Kazmearu commented softly. "She has a great brother. You've always been there for her and she knows that."

A whisper was his reply. "I try to be..."

Kazemaru frowned. "Go-"

"Gouenji, Kazemaru!" Kidou jogged up to them from behind.

"What's wrong?" Kazemaru asked.

Kidou held up the card between his finger.

"It's a picture of Someoka?" Kazemaru couldn't connect the those dots. Didn't understand the the dots. "What's it doing here?"

"Not a picture." Kidou cut in.

"It's the real deal." Someoka crossed his arms.

"S-Someoka?" Kazemaru eyes widened. "What? Wh-"

"What happened?" Gouenji got the question out.

"Listen, I'll tell you how was stuffed into a card later." Someoka snapped. "We gotta get to the others before they end up stuck like this and framed on Kenzaki's!"

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