"So shall we train then?" Haku asked

"If you want to but believe me I won't go easy on you! And now I know your weakness!" Naruto said jokingly.

"Your not going to kiss me are you?!" Haku backed away slightly.

"No" Naruto managed to laugh out.

For about an hour the two worked on hand to hand training then from then until Sakura showed up they were working on their Jutsus and weapon precision. Naruto made quite a few of his shadow clones while Haku used them for target practice. Haku almost always hit the clone with his senbon needles and Naruto purposely missed with his shuriken and kunai.

When Sakura showed up, she was more then happy to take out a few clones for her target practice. When Sasuke arrived, he sulked in the corner until Naruto sent all the clones out to taunt him. Who knew that 100 Naruto clones singing "You can't hit us Nagh Na Na Na Na Na!" while sticking their tongues out blowing raspberries could make Sasuke so motivated.

He then took out every clone that came his way in any way he could before turning on the original. Before he could pound on the tired blonde however, Kakashi appeared in his usual smoky way. Everyone turned towards the "popping" noise to see Kakashi. Naruto sat down and awaited his daily lie.

"Umm sorry I'm late but I had to fill out all this really complicated paper work to get you all into the Chunin exams..." Kakashi said rubbing the back of his head with one hand and holding a few papers in a folder in the other.

"LIAR... Oh wait that sounds plausible" Sakura said blinking in surprise.

Naruto twitched slightly at the mention but kept up his happy demeanor. "Wow really were going to take the chunin exams?!" Naruto jumped up latching onto Kakashi's neck. "Now I'll get to be even closer to my dream!" Kakashi tried to pull the idiot off him but to no avail. Kakashi made a raspy gasping noise that sounded vaguely like "air"

Naruto released him from his grip and Kakashi rubbed his neck. "Here." He rasped. Naruto took the folder that he handed him and opened it up. He quickly read through it quickly before passing it on "They start in a few days so I think it would be best to rest up and recuperate your energy." Kakashi said, his only visible eye crinkling, which meant he was smiling

Kakashi then spent about an hour explaining the process of the Chunin exams and why they are held. Then he left the team to go rest, but of course no one moved. Instead they sat there until Naruto got up enough energy to make more clones for every one to have more target practice.

It was a little past midday when they decided to go their separate ways... well sort of. Sasuke tried to leave alone, but Sakura followed after and Haku followed Naruto having nothing better to do.

Naruto and Haku decided to get some ramen. On their way there however they were interrupted by a masked ninja. Naruto stared at him blankly for a minuet before making a fist and smacking it into his other hand "Ohhh right..." he said aloud finally remembering "who" he was.

"Well well... what have we here? Two little lost boys?" said the random ninja

"Um, no, we were just going over there to get something to eat..." Haku said raising a brow.

"Oh well I thought you two pipsqueaks were coming over to me... and here I thought you wanted to play." The random guy said.

"Nope were just hungry!" Haku said happily.

"You do realize I'm trying to start a fight... right." The guy sweat dropped.

Naruto was snickering inwardly, it was too amusing to watch this. "Very well then" Haku turned needles drawn.

sent back (a naruto fanfic)#watty2016Where stories live. Discover now