Everyone stares. 

"No, not another one!" Nathan sighs.

The girl rips off her ninja mask to reveal her fair skin and large brown eyes. She shakes her head to loosen up her long, lilac curls. She's cute in a creepy stalker way.

I don't know her and neither do any of the other people in this room, but she sure does look like she knows Axel.

"Axel! My name is Miriam Skye and I'm your #1 fan!" She exclaims.

Axel doesn't even looked surprised this time. He just waits for her to finish the sentence that every single girl like her asks him.

"Axel Blaze, I know that you don't know me, but you could get to know me! Maybe over an ice cream? You don't know this now, but I am the girl of your dreams! You feel it too, don't you? Our connection?" She tells him.

"I'm sorry, uh, Miriam... It's just that I don't feel this so called 'connection' and I don't think I ever will. I'm sorry, but it would be unfair of me to go out for ice cream with you and then never speak to you again. I mean, you are a beautiful girl, but you deserve someone else. Not me, sorry." He says. 

A tear rolls down her cheek. It's the same thing every time. 

"BUT AXEL, I LOVE YOU!" She says, while Jude, Nathan and I mouth it with her.

"No, you don't love me. You love who you think I am, who I am in the papers on the screens. That's not me. I'm sorry." He tells her. 

She bursts out crying as a cord lifts her back up onto the roof and through the skylight.

Axel sighs. 

"You don't give a shit, do you?" Xavier asks. He's never seen a girl do this to Axel. This was the first time.

As the word shit comes out of Xavier's mouth, Austin winces. He's not a big fan of swearing.

"Don't say that." Axel says. "It never would have worked out."

"Axel's right." Austin agrees and looks at Axel who gives him a nod of approval.

Then I hear her words. "And I thought that I was obsessed..." Isabelle says, under her breath.

I hope that I'm the only person who heard that. Is she in love with Axel too? It can't be. I guess I'll just have to change her mind.

"Hey, Mark, you look happy." Xavier states. 

"He's almost always in a good mood." Nathan answers for me. 

"That's what makes him such a good captain." Jude adds.

Axel, Austin, and Shawn nod in agreement.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." Xavier agrees. 


Someone knocks on my door. It's probably Mark, time to go practice with him. I can't believe it. I get to meet my idols and now I have to embarrass myself in front of them. Just, great. But I can't pass up the opportunity to be trained by the Mark Evans! So I did say yes.

This whole embarrassing myself thing is the least of my problems though, I mean apparently Axel has girls proposing to him every five minutes and how am I supposed to get back to the real world? 

Even though I really wouldn't mind living here for the rest of my life. 

I walk to the door and open it. Silvia had lent me a tracksuit to practice in. Luckily, she had one that was a bit too long for her so it does fit me.

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