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please review first fic!!

As Liam watched the seconds tick by on his leather wristwatch, it never occurred to him just how soon he would die. Death was the last thing on his mind that evening. He turned his attention to the grey box that sat open on the white-washed wooden dresser. The ring that was enclosed inside caused glimmering shapes to dance across the walls as the single marquis-cut diamond refracted the light wobbly ceiling fan. He tucked a neatly written note under the box, a thoughtful smile pulling at the corners of his mouth as his mind wandered to his boyfriend niall it was just after 7pm, and he would be arriving home from work within minutes. He had planned out everything meticulously. From his favourite black suit that lay on the bed with the black polished shoes he loved to watch him in, to the dinner reservations at Porters on fifth for 8:30PM. Tonight would be a night that niall would always remember.

He checked himself in the mirror one last time, fixing the collar of his dark blue dress shirt, running his fingers through his short brown hair. Then giving the bedroom once last glance, he headed into the living room. Liam’s watch now read 7:08 PM 

At 7:12PM keys rattled against the front door before nails form appeared in the open doorway. Niall bounded into Liam’s arms as soon as he saw Liam, niall baggy shirt made him look harmless and about seven years of age .Liam breathed in the smell of niall cologne as he caught him in his arms and kissed him. Niall pulled his slender frame close, breathing him in as the lavender scent enveloped him 

“You know how I love how you look in that shirt” niall giggle twinkled in his ears as niall pulled away, looking Liam over. The colour of it was such a striking contrast to his icy brown eyes. Or so he told him every time he wore it.

“I know” Liam squeezed niall hands, smiling at him as he leaned in, softly kissing his lips. “What are you up to mister hmm?”His blue eyes narrowed at him with the suspicious excitement of a child of Christ on Christmas Eve 

“I thought we could go out for dinner tonight, I’m sure you had a long day’s work”

“I did but that doesn’t change the fact that you are up to something.” niall tilted his on as Liam draped his arms over his shoulders. “You forget how hard it is to lie to me babe” 

“I have no idea what you’re taking about nialler”Liam put on his best angelic look 

Niall wasn’t buying it, they’d been together too long for either one to successfully lie to the other. Niall slowly pulled away from Liam crossing his arms over his chest as one eyebrow perched high on his forehead. The more inquisitive niall expression became, the harder it was to hide his amusement. He lifted his small hand to his lips and kissed the back of it gently. It wouldn’t be long now before he found the ring waiting for him in the bedroom

“Why don’t you get ready to go?” he glanced down at his watch. “I made reservations for 8:30. Its 7:15 now.” with a playfully dramatic sigh niall gave up his interrogation, leaning in and kissing his lips once more before walking past him toward the hallway. Liam turned watching him as he sashayed away. Niall threw him one last devious smile before disappearing down the hall. Only a few minutes now .everything was going as planned.

Liam turned away from the empty hallway, and began to shut the front door. It stopped abruptly as a large fist with grimy finger nails gripped it from the other side. The door suddenly flung forward sending Liam stumbling back into the living room.

“If its money you’re looking for my wallet is sitting over there.” Liam’s voice faltered as he nodded toward the kitchen table. Liam could hear his own pulse jumping loudly in his ears as he stared up at the tall menacing stranger towering before him. He couldn’t disguise the anxiety he felt at the sight of the man. He quickly pulled himself up, his back bumping into one of the side tables, sending a picture frame to fall to the floor with a crash. The man stared at Liam a callous smirk playing across his leathery face and deepening the set creases around his mouth. He took a few steps into the apartment remaining silent. The strangers hand reached into his worn black blazer, the light catching the handle of a gun in his fingers curled around the grip. Liam knew he was backed into a corner and his options were limited. Maybe the stranger did just want to rob him. Butt that notion didn’t seem very likely”

“You mean to tell me you don’t recognize one of your old friends?” his words grated harshly in Liam’s ears. #”I’ve never seen you in my life what do you want from me? I have money I can give you money.”liam pleaded glancing around the room,theb kitchen was a few steps away . maybe he could grab a knife , he cautiously took a step back 

“I don’t want your money . I want your life.” the strangers hateful dark eyes bore a sense of resentment that liam didn’t understand. Liam took another step back thinking he might beable to reach the knife set from here . he knew that there was a very slim chance that it would even matter at this point . liam looked back at the stranger whose expression remained unchanged his eyes fixed on liam as he slowly raised the gun , the steel barrel glinted in the light a it pointed at liams chest 

2there has to be some other way” liams hand reached the backwards as he tried to edge towards the kitchen counter . in the same moment , he noticed niall stepping into the hallway , clearly heading towards the living room . a secondchilling fear struck him as he realized that the stranger might kill him too. He couldn’t let that happen . without another liam lunged for the butchers knife on the counter”nice try harry” the stranger smiled grimly . at the exact moment the purpose of the mans visir became as clear as the fear in liams eyes . he had realized who the omnious stranger was . he knew why the stranger had come to find him and as the bullets ripped through his chest he knew his llife was about to come to and abrupt end. His body lurched bawkwards violently absorbingthe shots before collapsing against the hardwood floor. Liams eyes stared up at the ceiilingwidening wiith each breath he could take . his heart beat erratically like the gears of a m,achine coming apart . the world around him seemed to to be doing the same .

“liam!” nialls voice pulled him back . he threw himself down on the foor next to him , glancing at the doorway to see the black figure as it exited the apartment ,he didn’t understand 

This cant be real niall saidbarely in a whisper 

“niall?” liam managed to cough out 

“yes liam?” niall chocked out over his sobs 

“I love you” liams dying words

“I love you too” niall said at this point tyring not to choke on his sobs 

“Liam?” he was gone “Liam!?” niall cried hoping for a miracle that was not coming soon.

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