I feel it

The feeling I can't feel for Sebastian I feel with Luke. He doesn't even have to do anything and I am mesmerised by his presents.

I look at Mathilda confused and she just shakes her head in disbelief.

"He's been on the phone since morning with his lawyer" Sebastian said setting his bag next to mine on the floor.

"Hey Seb can Milla be with me today I really need her" Mathilda said hooking her arm around mine and tugging me slightly towards her.

"Yeah sure I need to meet with the guys for a spontaneous practise anyway" he said stepping closer to me. "Bye baby" he said attaching his lips to mine and lingering on for a bit.

I heard Tilda coughing awkwardly behind me so I pulled away. "Bye" I whispered.

He then turned around and walked out the door.

"You two are so cute. I think I'm going to throw-up"Mathilda chuckled behind me. I turned around and frowned slightly.

"What?" She questioned obviously reacting to my frown.

"I-I don't have feelings for your brother" I said my voice very quiet making sure only she can hear me.

"What?" She repeated her earlier question.

"I-I think I'm in love with someone else" I stuttered feeling very very guilty.

"What? Who?"

I can't tell her. Think of something Milla. Come on think!

"I don't know" I said


"You don't know?" I shook my head.

"Why are you still together with him?" I didn't know the answer myself. Or did I? I just don't want to admit it.

I think that by dating Sebastian the feelings I have for his father might disappear and I would start feeling those feeling toward Sebastian.

But it won't work.

And I can't get myself to break up with him.

"I can't- can't find a way to en-end it" I said tears starting to well up in my eyes.

{sorry if that doesn't make sense but I hope you know what I mean}

"Hey hey it's ok" she said enveloping me into a hug.

This morning it was me soothing her and now it's the opposite.

"I'll help you if you want" I looked up from the floor and looked into her eyes and nodded.

I hugged her tightly before speaking. "You are they best friend anyone could ever ask for" I said sniffing slightly.

She chuckled. "Well I'm helping you break up with my brother so yes I do believe I am".

I laughed at her cockiness and started walking upstairs.

*     *     *

After about two hours of eating chips and stuffing our faces with ice cream we heard a knock at the door.

"Come in"

Luke's face appeared in the doorway with a slight frown plastered on it.

"I won't be home all day tomorrow" he said quietly.

He sighed before saying the next words.

"Agnete and I are getting a divorce" he said. Tilda paused the show we were watching and turned to face her dad.

"Wh-what?" She asked clearly shocked by the words that fell from Luke's beautiful plump lips.

He sighed again before his whole body was in her room. He picked her up from the floor and held out his arms.

She grabbed him and held him as tight as possible hoping that if she hugged tightly enough she would wake up from some nightmare.

But this was real life.

And the words that fell from Luke's mouth brought tears in Mathilda's eyes but brought joy in mine.


Noooo they are getting a divorce! Or is that a good thing😏

Hope you guys liked this chapter

I'm thinking of doing a double update!

Please vote and comment!

Love ya'll 😍


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