"Mal, I know it hurts, okay? But you have to stay strong." He said. I nodded my head in response. He was right, I was stronger than this. And I need to stay. My lips pressed into a thin line to refrain myself from sobbing and I sucked it up. All my sadness and anger was going to be let out through the large gun slung around my shoulder.

"Let's go find Aunt Claire," he spoke again looking at Gray this time then me.

We ran all around Main Street bumping into multiple screaming and running people, looking for the familiar red head in all white. In all the terror, we did expect a few bumps in the road. A Pteranodon swooped down and almost grabbed me but I ducked at the right time.

Unfortunately, it was then headed for Zach and Gray. They began to run but Zach tripped on something, bringing Gray down with him. At perfect timing, I shot the Pteranodon causing it to skid against the concrete.

I had a mini heart attack when I saw how close the bird's beak was to penetrating Gray's chest. Running over to them, I kicked the dead body to the side so they could get out.

"Oh god," I said, "you guys are just way too lucky today."

We searched everywhere for her until I finally sighted her, standing on a partially broken table. "Zach! Gray! Mal!" She yelled cupping her hands around her mouth to project her voice so it was louder.

"Guys," I said tapping their shoulder. They looked in the same direction as me. We rushed towards her but a shitload of people were in our way, I'd lose her behind a tall person then find her again when they'd move. I lost Gray and Zach in the crowd but hopefully they didn't let go of each other.

When I finally got my personal bubble back, I took a large gasp of breath because sweaty, smelly, scared people are the worst.

Zach and Gray were standing there watching Claire shoot one of the Pteranodons multiple times.

Their faces were a mix of shock and impression. "I didn't know she could shoot a gun," I said walking towards them mimicking their face.

I didn't notice their was a person underneath the Pteranodon and when I looked closer, I saw that it was Owen.

Owen worked here because of my father, well everyone did, but Owen was different. I also grew up with him by my side. He was the one who helped me imprint on Rexy... The T-Rex. He taught me how to care for her and well, basically be her mom.

He grabbed Claire by the waist and pulled her into him pressing their lips together. My jaw slightly dropped and I'm sure Zach and Gray's did also, and I felt tingle travel up my spine when Zach leaned over and whispered, "maybe we should do that."

My cheeks heated up and not just because of the sun beating down on my face. I knew I was blushing but what's the point of trying to hide it. I just knew he was smirking because that's what he did every time he made me like this and he knew it. It's a good thing I didn't see it because if I did, I would've punched him in the face... with my face.

Shut up, Mal. Get your shit together.

When they pulled away, Claire looked directly at Zach and Gray and ran over to them with a look of relief. I smiled when I saw her hug Gray, I bet that's what he wanted.

Owen noticed me standing there watching them and he definitely remembered me. "Malli?" He said walking towards me.

I looked at him and smiled remembering that he was there, "hey, Owen."

He embraced me in a warm hug and it was most likely warm because of his sweat, but I still appreciated it. Just like my father, this hug was much more caring and tighter than usual but I just hugged back and brushed it off.

When we pulled away he smiled at me and it wasn't as welcoming as the hug but more of sincerity. "Oh, Mal. Thank god," I heard Claire say but my attention was still on Owen.

I felt her wrap her arms around me and that's when my attention turned to her. She pulled away quickly and her chin was covered in mud and dirt and her face had a sorrowful expression. I also brushed it off because it was probably because of the lunatic dinosaur running around the island.

She opened her mouth to say something but I had to tell before she found out the hard way. "Zara is dead," I said biting the inside of my lip to refrain myself from crying.

"W-what?" She said stuttering a bit.

"We have to go, now," Owen said picking his gun up by the strap.

We were all looking at him. "Okay," Claire looked back at us, "you three go to your hotel room and stay there."

"What?! No, I'm coming with you," I looked back at Zach and Gray. I tried to confirm if they wanted to come face to face with that beast again but Zach confirmed that. "We're coming with you, too."

She looked at Owen and he just responded with "whatever, we just have to go, now."

She looked back at us and said, "c'mon."

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