Chapter 5

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Castiel's P.O.V

I fluttered my eyes open expecting to be laying in the familiar hill side field and watching the sun rise over the hill. No I was in a cozy cave that smelt like sêx and alpha, my alpha to be exact.
I turned over reaching out, the other side of the bed was empty so I sat up slowly examining the room..something was cooking on the stove but there was no sign of my mate.

"D-Dean?" I called out my voice cracking, my throat was sore from how much I had screamed and moaned last night. I tried to get to my feet but yelped feeling a sharp pain rip right through my body.
I was definitely not going to be doing much today "Castiel you're up." Deans voice came from the cave entrance and I saw him walk in only wearing shorts
"I went to wash myself off in the river, I could wash you as well if you'd like?" He asked and my brown tail flicked happily at the idea

"Yes..just I,I'm having a h-hard time getting around." I blushed looking up with doe eyes Dean nodded and walked over I could see a little pride flicker in his eyes
"No worries I'll carry you don't want you to be in pain.." Dean said affectionately licking my cheek and wrapping his arms around me lifting me with the greatest ease.

He hummed happily in my ear making me blush as he marched down to the river carrying me like a prized possession, I loved it.
"How did my little lamb sleep?" Dean asked his gruff morning voice whispering into my ear I smiled
"Very good, um.." I cleared my throat "Physical activity tends to take a lot out of me." Dean laughed kissing my cheek
"Who knew my mate was such a dork!" He joked and I blushed butting him in the head and swatting my tail teasingly onto his forearm
"Watch it wolfie!" I playfully growled trying to use my best alpha voice, his only made Dean howl in laughter.

We reached the river and I hummed as he set my down softly into the bank of it, he pulled off his shorts revealing he was commando I blushed.
He waded into the river his wolf tail splashing the water happily and soaking me I huffed and he perked his ears up and giggled
"Sorry Cas." He apologized wading over to me and holding his arms out
"I'll help you in and wash your hair." I nodded shuffling over and doing a small leap into his arms as he helped me submerge, the water was nice.

I let out a content sheep whine and shut my eyes letting the water cool down my warm and aching body.
Dean cupped some water with his hands and splashed it onto my head "So Cassie do you always wear that collar?" Dean asked and I nodded feeling him start to lather the soap into my hair which made my lamb ears flick
"Yes, everyone in my flock or used to be flock wears one pink is for omegas, black alpha and blue beta.." I said and Dean replied with an "Ah!"

"Do you wish to be with your flock?" Dean asked and I felt my eyes go wide I turned around looking up at him with worry
"N-No I, I wanna stay with you Dean!" I stuttered and Dean put a hand on my shoulder rubbing "Shh," He calmed me sighing "It's okay I just wanted to make sure since I saw you still wearing that.."
I let out a breath of air I didn't even know I was holding in and smiled
"Sorry?," I quirked my head feeling him scrub the shampoo into my scalp
"If it bothers you I can take it off.."
I say feeling bad that it may of upset Dean but I relaxed hearing him chuckle

"No keep it on princess it looks cute." He said sending a shiver down my spine I feel a blush creep onto my face again

"So," Dean continues cupping some water up to wash out the shampoo now "I think it would be nice to know a little more about you Castiel."
I frowned slightly, my life was pretty boring "I'm not very exciting Dean.." I mumbled and Dean continued to wash out the soapy residue
"I don't believe it little lamb, tell me."  He said and I decided to tell

"Hmm," I thought "Well I was sold into my flock when I was about I wanna say twenty moons old from my mother, which is a good thing because the man that kept me previously was planning on letting his dog boys use me as a play thing.." I shivered and Dean sighed wrapping hands around me and helping me out of the water
"Terrible.." He scoffed anger in his eyes  I nodded in agreement
"Um then I grew up in the flock I had left it wasn't that great since I was an outsider..but then you rescued me and I couldn't be happier." I admitted smiling as Dean had dried me off

"I'm glad." Dean said with a smile and picked me up again heading back to the cave "So you haven't had a mate before me?" He questioned curious and I shook my head
"No" I was nervous of what the answer would be
"Well I've I guess 'done the deed' with a few betas and omegas but nothing serious.." I nodded glad it wasn't something like with me that he knotted them

"I'm so happy I've found my soul mate though.." Dean admitted blushing bashfully "I didn't know you existed!" I snuggled closer to Dean's chest feeling safe "Me neither my big bad wolf." I joked and watched his ears flatten and he rolled his eyes chuckling
"My little lamb." He kissed my nose and I smiled

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