♥04♥ You don't know love

Start from the beginning

"Not really. I feel a strong sense of annoyance." 

"Why, Senpai...?" 

Once they were in Maji Burger, Kasamatsu took on the offer of letting her treat him. He ordered himself a set meal since he was hungry. 

"Just a medium fries and a vanilla milkshake." 

When Kasamatsu heard Rui's order, he hit her on the back of her head. 

"Moron! A set meal is cheaper than getting them individually! Get the same damn thing as me!" 

"Oh! We are like a couple!" 

"I don't know where you get that from but shut the hell up and pay up already." 

She's like a smaller and more annoying version of Kise Ryouta in his eyes. He noticed other boys stealing glances at her, he can hear whispers if Rui was single because she's very cute. Kasamatsu looked at Rui and then at the other guys; will they be in love with her if they knew how annoying and weird she can be? 

They finally got their meals on a tray and found themselves a table. 

"Why do you look so happy?" Kasamatsu asked her, 

"Because I am with Senpai~!" Her previous boyfriends would take her to anywhere besides a fast-food restaurant, wanting to show off to Rui that they have the cash to spend on her. Rui was happy to be treated but she couldn't care less about the person sitting across her. Now, she found herself caring about the person across her. 



"With your face looking like Kise's, you don't have to keep bothering me..." Unlike the boys Rui has dated, he was paying more attention to the food rather than the girl opposite to her. 

"What do you mean?" 

"I mean you are beautiful. You don't have to stick yourself to me." He just can't see it. He can't see the two of them together, he can't see why such a beautiful girl like Kise Rui would give him all of her attention. 

"Cupid struck me with the arrow of true love the moment you rescued me from the falling plant pot!" She cupped her cheeks with her palms, "You were so cool~! You pulled me to you and kept me close~!" Rui recalled that little memory in her head because it always made her happy. 

"I did that because it's common sense to do so. In fact..." Kasamatsu clicked his fingers near her face, making her pay attention to her, "I don't like you." 

"Oh~, you are such a bad liar, Kasamatsu-senpai, of course you like me!" 

"I don't. In fact, I really dislike you." Kasamatsu's words were as serious as his face right now. Even Rui can tell he was very serious.

"But I love you." Rui said it so easily, "A lot of guys would die to be you, Kasamatsu-senpai, I don't see why you're having a problem with it." 

"The problem isn't me, Rui, it's you." 

"Me?" She really doesn't understand what the problem was; she's a beautiful girl who hasn't failed to get a boyfriend, how can she be a problem? 

"Yeah. You claim that you love me but just what do you know about love?" 

"I know a lot about love! I've had a lot of boyfriends before I finally met you!" 

"Rui, that's not love. Just because you went out with a lot of guys in the past, doesn't make you an expert to what love is. In fact, you don't love me. You love the idea of me rescuing you, you don't love me as a person."

Ouch. Each words were stinging her right in the heart. She pouted like a spoiled girl who had her favorite toy taken away. She always had things her way, why can't she have things her way this time? 

"Why do you dislike me?" 

"You're going to have to figure out why. Whatever you do isn't going to make me change my mind about you so you should quit coming to practice or doing stupid things to get on my nerves." 


"I'm home." Kasamatsu thought the walk back from Maji Burger to Kise's home was very awkward. Rui was very quiet and didn't say a single thing to annoy him. "At least I got some peace and quiet from her." He thought nothing of it as he went to get some clean clothes to change into after a nice shower. 

When Rui got home, she went straight to her room. She cried into her pillow to muffle her sobbing. She can't understand Kasamatsu at all. Was it because she can't understand him that she made him dislike her? She's very hurt and she's very depressed about tonight...

"Ruru, I got you some ice crea- EH?!" Kise walked into his twin's room to see that she was lying on her bed and crying into her pillow, "Ruru, are you okay?" 

"Ryouta, why does Senpai hate me...?" 

"Hate you?! He hates you?! How dare he!" It was bad enough that he's getting kicked every once in a while! How dare that guy openly say he hated Rui! 

"Love hurts, Ryouta... Ugh... It hurts when the feelings are one-sided..." She felt her brother taking a seat on her bed and pat her on the head. There were times when the roles between them reversed; Kise will act as the older brother whenever his twin needed someone in the family to comfort her. 

"Ruru, don't worry about it. There are a lot of fish in the sea, you're a very beautiful lure! Many fish will come to you!" 

"But I want that fish!" 

Kise frowned and then a good idea popped into his head! 

"I know! You should continue the bet!" Kise suggested to her, "Love perseveres all!" 


"Come on! You're my older sister! You always pick yourself back up from where you fell!" 

"Ryouta, what if Kasamatsu-senpai was right?" 

"He was right?" 

"That I don't know what love is..." 

"Love is when you're the happiest when you're with that one special person." Kise answered her straight away. He might not be the brightest when it comes to academics but he's certain of something basic like 'love'. "I know you love Kasamatsu-senpai, it's more than about his wallet or his good looks. I know because you are my twin." He smiled at her, giving her the confidence that Kasamatsu tried to destroy.

"Thank you..." Rui wiped the tears away and she smiled again when he handed the ice cream to her, "Ryouta, how are you so sure you know I really love Kasamatsu-senpai?" 

"Your smile gave it away." 

"I see." She didn't think something so simple can prove the validity of her love for Kasamatsu! She's not confusing it! She's really in love!

♥Notice me, Senpai♥KnB♥Kasamatsu YukioWhere stories live. Discover now