
144 12 23

Possible jobs:
Reporter- Researches and keeps a look out for news that would be good for the newspaper. Then they write a blog, and notify their editor that it is ready to be checked.
Status: Open

Editor- A person who goes over a reporters' paper and fixes typos and sees if there can be any improvements. Notifies Publisher that it is ready to be evaluated.
Status: Open

Publisher- Makes sure the information is correct and up to date. Makes sure that the Image detector has given them a picture.
Status: Open

Image Detector- Finds pictures on the Internet, or can draw and post them, that match what the article is about. Publisher will evaluate it and add it to the page if accepted.
Status: Closed

Agents- Has the application to do all the jobs above.
Status: Closed

Director- Overlooks everyone's works, posts new jobs onto the bulletin board for the others to take. And is able to do all the jobs as well. Is in charge of the whole press and the password to the account.
Status: Closed


Reporter (open)-
1. Head Reporter Peril Peril_SkyWing
2. Reporter Nightstriker TheNightFuryRider
3. Reporter Lavender Lavender_IceWing54

Editor (open)-
1. Editor Mistystream Moonlight_Amulet
2. Editor Locket Tiger_lily2000

Publisher (open)-
1. Publisher DragonCat DragonCatWings2003

Image Detector (closed)-
1. Detector Aquinity Dewottdede101
2. Detector Heatwave Niotonic
3. Detector Sun Dancer Hoodkitty

Agents (closed)-
1. Agent Sunbeam Tsunami_Holmes
2. Agent Victory spideypool2001

Director (closed)-
1. Director Frostbite elsadragon

I hope you are able to find the job you were hoping for! :)

To apply for a job, PM us and give us at least five reasons why you would be good at this job and at least one example of your skill.
Good luck!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2016 ⏰

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