Romance at the Burrow

Start from the beginning

                Ginny ran over to us, “How did you do that? That was so cool! Can you teach me?” She started firing questions so fast I hardly had time to catch them, and was preoccupied with the fact that Fred still had not put me down yet…but it was kind of nice sitting in his arms, I felt really safe like nothing could hurt me there. I am losing my mind.

                “Well I do not know if I should show you, I am not even supposed to know yet. Professor McGonagall taught me last year though she had planned on it taking years for me to accomplish. Let me speak with her first, I do not want to get you into any trouble, ok?”

                Looking a little upset but still happy, “Ok, can you change into anything else or just the kitten?” She asked very curious.

                Trying to wiggle out of Fred’s arms, it was starting to feel awkward as everyone was staring at us, I told her how I was a Metamorphmagus and could change my appearance at will. I did not tell her I could shift my animal form or colors, because I felt that was something best left out. Keeping it a secret makes me feel safe in case I need to escape, run off in my usual white kitten form and change color or shape later so I can avoid being caught.

                Slowly Fred put me down but would not let go of my hand, but I didn’t mind it much, as we started walking back towards the house to help set the dinner table. Along the way Ginny would ask questions about school and I would change my hair color or something to listen to her giggle, all while Fred kept quiet. It was odd that he had been quiet for so long, and that George had gone on ahead with Harry and Ron instead of sticking by Fred. Ginny soon ran off to grab plates for the table and before we got inside I stopped Fred and looked up at him, “Hey are you ok? You didn’t say anything the whole walk back, and George went on ahead of us. Are you two fighting?”

                “No, I was just listening to you and Ginny talk. Ginny doesn’t get out and talk to other people that much, she is kind of shy.” He said still beet red.      

                “Really? That is not the story she told me, she said you guys pick on her all the time or send her away. Which is really mean by the way.” I said playfully punching him with my right hand, as he was still holding my left.

                “Sometimes it’s for her own good, you know me and George always do dangerous stuff. We just don’t want to see her hurt.”

                I turned my hair as close to Weasley red as I could and decided to leave it that way for a while, “Maybe you should explain that to her, it seems to upset her a little. I have only known her for like a total of five minutes, but she is a pretty cool girl. I wouldn’t want to have to beat you guys up for hurting her ok?” I smiled great big at him.

                He seemed to relax a little at my threat, “I’ll make a note of that. Come on let’s grab some grub.” He quickly walked inside and let go of my hand.

                Stepping inside I felt kind of disappointed that he had let go, but was happy he had pulled Ginny aside and was explaining to her about not wanting to get her hurt. “What can I do to help?” I asked Mrs. Weasley.

                She didn’t seem to look at me but my hair because she said, “Ginny grab the silverware after you are done with the plates. Where is Loretta?”

                “Mum, she’s right in front of you.” Ginny said from the other side of the table. “I’ll grab the silverware in a few minutes.”

                Mrs. Weasley looked down at me, and I started changing my hair back to normal. Her face looked surprised as it went back to normal. “Sorry Mrs. Weasley, I forgot to change it back.”

                “That’s ok, Loretta. It’s not often we get a Metamorphmagus in the house. Go help Ginny with the table please, and then we can eat.” I went off to help Ginny with the plates and silverware.

                As we were setting the table Fred hung around and talked to us about his and George’s new pranks they had planned for this year and I became mesmerized with a clock hanging on a wall. It had eight hands instead of two and around it, instead of numbers were places. There was the usual Work, Travelling, Home and school but the one that kind of bothered me the most was mortal peril, thankfully none of the hands were pointing to it as each of the hands represented a member of the Weasley family. The hands each had a name of the family on it, and everyone was home except for Bill and Charlie who were at work or living outside of the house. “Hey Fred, this is an interesting clock. Where did you get it?”

                “Mum and dad had it made at a watchmaker’s store in Romania a few years ago. I do not care for it that much. George and I have each tried to bewitch it to erase the word Trouble off of there that is how Mum always knows when we get into trouble at school before an owl arrives.”

                I laughed, “Well if you guys wouldn’t fool around so much you wouldn’t get into trouble and then you wouldn’t have to worry about the clock.”

                “But life wouldn’t be as fun if we followed the rules, then again you wouldn’t know anything about that would you?” He asked coyly referring yet again to last year.

                “That is true, following the rules is not that much fun; but staying out of trouble is always a plus right?” I giggled as we sat down to eat. Fred sat next to me and caused a bit of an uproar with Percy and George.

                Percy came downstairs and started arguing with Fred, “Get out of my seat.” Thinking he was talking to me I stood up and apologized and went to move.

                George spoke up, “He wasn’t meaning you Loretta, Fred took his seat so he could sit next to you. Didn’t you George?” He asked teasingly.

                I blushed, “You can have my seat if you want Percy, and I’ll go sit by George.” I went to move out of the way, but was stopped by Fred who looked a little angry.

                “No Percy can go sit by George, its fine. Run along Perfect Percy, maybe some of George’s character will rub off on you.” Fred said pulling me back down into my chair.

                Disgruntled, Percy walked over to sit next to Percy as he was given a dark look from Mrs. Weasley. “I don’t see why I have to move from my seat just because he wants to sit next to his girlfriend.”

                “We’re not dating.” Fred and I said together, and everyone just smiled at us. We looked at each other confused, but then blushed and looked away.

                The rest of the night was fun, I loved being around so much family. You could feel the love and warmth flying around the house. It was wonderful, Harry and Ron sat playing chess, the twins and Ginny were in a corner talking and laughing, Mrs. Weasley was knitting and listening to the radio, and Mr. Weasley was sitting next to her reading the Daily Prophet. I just set back and watched it all, and enjoyed the feeling of being in a full house surrounded by people one cares about. Don’t get me wrong my parents are amazing, but I sometimes wish I had a sibling or two to play with, and talk to.

                I must have fallen asleep reading my new transfiguration book, because when I woke up thirsty, I had been moved back to Ginny’s room. I quietly sneaked down to the kitchen got a glass of water and made my way back to bed.

                The next morning we all loaded into the car that the boys had flown to Harry’s house (with a few enlargement charms on it of course) and rode onto King’s Cross Station. We were running late, after getting stuck in the mud, so we had to pass through the barrier in groups of two or three.

                Ginny and I went together, and after we said goodbye to the Weasleys we jumped on the train and found an empty compartment for ourselves while we waited on Harry and Ron to join us.

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