“What was that any way? I was sleeping so well then it woke me up and I had a hard time going back to sleep. Oh Loretta these sausages are great.” Mum said as she took a few bites.

                “Thank you mum, and I just want it known that I had nothing to do with the noise. I did check it out though, Ron and two of his brothers were picking up Harry and ran into a spot of trouble. Everyone is ok, Mr. Dursley might be a bit sore…he kind of fell through a window.”

                “I don’t much care for the man, but I do hope he is ok. These scrambled eggs are much too good, what do you want?” Mum said.

                Just then Butterbean flew in with my letters, and was followed by a generic barn owl. “My school list has arrived and my letter from Harry. They have made it safely back to the Burrow and Mrs. Weasley is wondering if I would like to go stay with them for a couple of days to catch up with Harry before we go back to school.”

                “And there it is, I knew you were up to something. You don’t want to stay here with us? It is just to day and half of tomorrow. I am sure you will have time on the train to catch up, besides we have to go to Diagon Ally and get your school supplies we won’t have time to go there, get your things, come home and pack then take you to the Weasleys’ then make it back home. Maybe another time.” Dad said as he finished of his orange juice.

                “See I have already thought of that, I can pack an overnight bag and one of you could shrink my trunk or something so it will fit in my bag and not take up much space. The Weasleys are heading to Diagon Ally in a few hours themselves and we could meet up there, buy our stuff and you and mom can come home to a child free house.”

                “That is a smart plan Loretta, but you forgot one thing.” Mum said as she fed Butterbean some toast, “How do you plan to get Butterbean to the castle? He can’t be stuffed into a bag.”

                “Can I send him onto Hogwarts today? I can send him with a letter to Professor Dumbledore asking if it is ok for him to stay an extra two days. Actually I am not sure why owl owners don’t send them a few hours ahead of time so we do not have to carry a cage with us through King’s Cross. It actually is a good idea, thank you Mum.” I said still trying to woo them.

                “Vladimir, why did we have to raise such a smart daughter? Go on and start packing your trunk while I talk it over with your father.” With a big smile I gave them big hugs and ran out of their room to pack my trunk. It was not a sure go, but I am feeling pretty good about my odds.

                Half an hour later, I was finished packing and double checking my things to make sure I had everything. I skipped down the stairs to talk to mum, “Hey mum have you seen my purple ink bottle? I can’t find it anywhere, and I can’t go without it. Purple ink is like my signature color, it is how my work stands out from others.” I pouted as I entered the kitchen.

                “You entered teenager one year early have you? I think it is in the den, but I also think it was almost empty we will have to buy some more today. Lord help the world if you should go without purple ink for one term.” She chuckled as she washed dishes and I ran off to the den to grab my ink well. A short time later I had sent a letter to Dumbledore about Butterbean and we were off to Diagon Ally for supplies and to meet with Harry and Ron.

                “Loretta! We are over here!” Ron called from the book store. We had just come from the stationary store where we bought new quills, ink and parchment. I ran over to him and Harry and pulled them into a quick group hug.

Star-Crossed Witch: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now