luke traced my fingertips, "i came in after you were sound asleep and snuck in bed with you." he smirked, causing me to stare at that lipring of his which drove me insane.

"looks like i have myself a bad boy then." after these words were spoken luke bent down once again and pressed his lips against mine, feeling that cold lipring on the corner of my mouth.

he hummed against my lips slightly and then pulled away, "we've got a lot to do today, baby."

i watched as he tore the covers off his long lanky body and pushed himself out of my double bed.

he towered over me, extending his long arms out and stretching them in the air, his biceps flexing just enough.

he was shirtless and the only thing he wore were his ninja turtle boxers and a pair of black socks. who sleeps in socks?

luke apparently.

i bit down on my lower lip as i gazed up at him, "can't we just stay in bed allllllll day." i whined.

and that's when he made his way around to the other side of the bed and stuck his arms out in order for me to take them.

and then before i knew it his arms tackled my waist, pulling me off the bed forcefully and tossing me over his shoulder.

i squealed into his ear, pounding my fists on his back, "luke put me down!"

he then began giggling getting so amused by this, and then he started swinging round and round in circles so i was basically flying.

i squeezed my eyes shut and giggled against his bareback, my hair falling over my face.

"you are getting me dizzy." i kicked my feet back and fourth obnoxiously in order for him to set me down.

he began hopping up and down, "im waking you up so you have enough energy for our last day in california together."

i felt his body vibrate against my ear that laid on his back as he laughed against me. my arms dangled down his back, feeling completely weightless.

"what can i do in order for you to put me back on my feet?" i chuckled some more as he guided me around my room.

and then finally he came to a sudden stop, intensely setting me back down on the carpet, and locking his baby blue eyes straight into mine.

his arms draped against my waist, "kissss meeeee jade."

and the without another word he dipped me so i was close to falling on the ground, but i knew i wouldn't because i was in his strong grip.

and our lips met, my eyes falling shut feeling as if this was our first kiss and he still took my breath away.

i giggled agains his lips as he pulled away and lifted me back up so we were now standing up completely straight.

i was smiling like an idiot, gazing up at his tall figure. i was in awe, completely speechless as to how this boy was so incredible.

we stood there in silence for quite some time, breathing heavily from luke jumping up and down with me on his back.

and then i grabbed hold of both his hands, "how did i get so lucky?"

he ran his tongue over his lips, "how did I get so lucky to have you?"

i felt my checks flush as my eyes fell to the floor, my idiotic smiling filling me with nothing but happiness.

and then he brought his hand to my chin and raised my face up so i had to look up at him once again.

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