Chapter 3

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The question Lu asked raised another question. It was,’ where was Smiley?’ Johnny couldn’t care much about his half-brother but his dog was very precious to him. He wanted to save that creature. It was a burning desire of him.  He looked at his father and his gold-digger spouse. Johnny opened his mouth and said, “We’ll go looking for him!”

Lisa then saw something strange. She said, “What has happened with your foot?”

Grandpa replied, “An accident occurred. My wife accidentally cut in my toes with her kitchen knife.”

Lisa then said, “Shit happens.”

Grandpa then said, “It certainly does, but I prefer it on the toilet.”

Lisa agreed and said, “Indeed.”

Johnny also saw what had happened and said, “It doesn’t look good father. I think you should stay here in the attic. I suggest that I and Lu are going to find your son.”  He had a point because the foot of Grandpa was looking pretty bad. One shoe was white and the other one was red in color.  

Grandpa said, “Don’t forget he is your half-brother.” Johnny did want to be reminded about that fact. So he decided to ignore the comment. He took an axe with him and threw one towards Lu.  She managed to catch the handle. They were set and ready to go. They were about to kill some wood.

The branches were creeping in the attic. They were planning to attack again. Lisa took the initiative of taking the chainsaw and started sawing the branches. It is the first time in her life that she handled that machine. It was so wild and vibrating her hands as she held it. It was difficult because the trees were still strong, but she was determined to keep fighting. The rain outside was ever present. The floor was flooded. Lighting still could be heard. Occasionally you could see the flashes.

Grandpa also got his hands on an axe. Betty also took an axe. Her skills of the axe were as good as that of a dwarf.  It was also turning grandpa on. He wanted to make a move. But then suddenly he realized something. He did not want to put a foot wrong firstly because it was injured and secondly because she was after all his son’s wife and he wanted to get some money out of his son.

As Lisa, Betty and grandpa were chopping down the branches, Lu and Johnny walked down the stairs.  They were going to look for the dog and Phillip. Hopefully Smiley will put a smile on their faces. Step by step they were walking towards a jungle that is called their hall. The axes of the pair of them were raised high. You could hear Lu shout, “Phillip”.

Also Johnny joined the shouting. His voice was manlier and he said, “Phillip.” Yet there was no response that could be heard. The branches were getting stronger and stronger. Also the storm was getting stronger. It was becoming windier and the rain was just pouring in.

Johnny took his axe and started the chopping the twigs that were in their way. There were no big branches yet but that could change very quickly, behind him stood Lu. She was following him very closely. She let him go first. If something were to happen, the chances are that he would be hit the hardest and first.

A branch came zooming out of the window. It was going towards Lu. Johnny saw it in the corner of his eye. He shouted, “Lu”. She managed to duck in time. Then the rest of Johnny’s sentence came storming out of his mouth. This is what he said, “A branch is coming.” It indeed came and hit a big hole. A loud bang could be heard and white stuff was coming down of the wall. The wall was damaged. They have learned a valuable lesson. It is that a big stick can do a lot of damage.

Lu then decided to limbo her way under that branch that seemed to be stuck in the wall. Johnny kept looking everywhere. He could not see another branch going towards them. Johnny then opened his mouth to shout, “Smiley, come”. Not even a bark could be heard.

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