Chapter 2

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The dog came out of the cage. It was wagging its tail vividly. The wife of Johnny quickly saw that the dog was loose. She walked after it and caught the dog whose name was Smiley and put him back in the cage. The black Labrador continued to look depressed in the metal object. It is a cruel world, made even crueler by the humans inhabiting it. But the creature should not complain too much, because it had the live of a parasite. Not having to hunt, or gather for food but getting it presented in bowl. Yet this parasite wants to be out and about mingling with guests. However the owners were right to lock him up because this dog was always on the lookout. Smiley is always waiting for the opportunity to steal food, because the beast is always hungry.

Meanwhile in the kitchen the party continued.  Glasses of the Italian wine were being served and snacks were also presented. The consumption of these goods was good.  The conversations were going a little bit dry. Who could blame them because it was a bizarre atmosphere? In the background you could hear some 80’s music. I know that the people don’t have a taste of music.

Suddenly the sound waves that music created reached the ears of the fictive people were disturbed by a louder thunder sound. As they looked outside they could see gray clouds gathering. It was unleashing its evil. Liters of aqua were being dropped on the ground. The water just kept coming. The plants were also starting to drown, if such a thing is possible. Also the lighting was starting to hit the threes. The wind was more windy that usual.

Outside wasn’t the only place that became windy, but luckily nobody seemed to notice. So Grandpa got away with his sin. Yet all attention was directed to what was happening outdoors. You could see the branches of the trees were staring to move like arms. They were starting to move atomically. One of them gave the jaguar from grandpa a good thwack. The car was broken beyond repair. Also the McLaren got destroyed by the same oak tree. It was very frightening.

The dog was getting restless and started to bark. Trevor said, “What is happening here?”

Johnny looked at him and said, “We are all thinking that. It is a very bizarre situation.”

The young boy Phillip decided to release the dog once more. So he opened the cage and Smiley got out.  He had saved the creature from captivity. Yet this time Betty was too distracted to notice.  They could see some branches attacking the rooftops. The orange rooftops were starting to fall down. Then they could see could hear some glass break.

Lisa said, “What was that?” Nobody answered the question. If they would have responded they probably would have said, “I don’t know”. That goes to show that some questions don’t need answering. But by not saying anything, you create an awkward silence. What is the socially acceptable way to behave in this situation? If you ask me it is a question that philosophers should argue about and come up with an answer, they owe it to us.  

As all of them were in this highly uncomfortable and unusual situation they had no idea that something more awkward was lurking behind the corner. It was literately hiding behind the bushes. It wasn’t the biology teacher who somehow managed to bruise Trevor’s, well never mind.

It was something else that wasn’t as filthy but just as dangerous. It was a branch. It came zooming in. It went straight for the throat of Trevor. That poor young boy did not have good experience with surprises that jump out of bushes.

The tree had the intention to choke him to death. Trevor tried to fight the tree, but it was stronger.  Yet he did not give up as he wanted to stay alive. In the background you could hear the Bee Gees song.  Also his sister, mother and Lu were fighting the wooden object as well. But it was stronger; meanwhile Phillip was trying to calm down the dog. It was barking and started to run towards the hall. There it paws guided the rest of the body upstairs. Phillip followed the dog on the wooden stairs.

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