A Long way There

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    Yn P.O.S


        I said goodbye to Sushi and followed  Sebastian. He bowed in a way a gentleman would've and opened the door for me.

     " Why are you being so nice to me?" I asked in a rather mean and curious way torwards the butler being alarmed.

    " no special reason but when you arrive at the Manor you are to be known as a Phantomehive Maid."  He asked as he rode on and leaded the horse in the diretion of the manor.


    " and please try to be lady like if you know how of course."he smirked

    "Y-yeah... okay.."

     "It seems that you need to learn a few things."

      "I'll be just fine thank you!" I said the thank you roughly being quite offended.

'I can be lady like if I want to I just choose not to.' I looked out the window hoping to relax a bit.

     "My, my did I strike a nerve?" He chuckled and looked back at my face.

      " you sure did." I said as my face held a mean look.

Sebastian's P.O.S

'She's amusing. Very interesting indeed. I wonder...'  I contiued the conversation.

      "I have told the others about your up coming arrival today. So please try to get along...I have enough on my hands as it is..." hopefully she can understand how not to make a mess.

       She perked up and asked," there are others?"

      "Yes. We have the gardener, chef , the maid and you." I explained to her as we were nearing the manor.


"We are here yn." I stopped the horse and opened the door for her. She stepped out to look at the manor in amazement.

  "Whoa I didn't expect this..." she stood there frozen as i continued to walk to the manson.

   " are you coming?" I said, interupting her moment. She studdered as a reply.

   " y-yeah...coming."  she ran up to me and said," you didn't see that..." her face went pink.

   " see what?" I smiled at her chuckling inside.

   I opened the door for Yn and closed it when she walked in. Again she was staring in awe for a while before catching up to me.

    " I'll show you your room. I placed your dress on the bed. Please be ready in 2 hours.within those two hours i want you to find the others if you can and greet yourself and be careful when you see them, they tend to make 'mistakes'.You guys are going to see the master of this house and there i will introdduce you to him at 2:00. You are to call him Young master when you greet him. And remember your manners if you are anywhere, because from now on you are known as one of our maids in this house hold. I shall tell you the rest later." I said keeping my usual face. *pokerface*

   " the rest!? There's more to this!?" I guess she was barely keeping up...

    " here we are" i opened the bedroom and let her  in and showed her around.

     " call me if you have any questions or concerns."

    " ok thanks." With that I left.

Yn P.O.S

   He was forcing everything in my head all at once and i was barely keeping up since he was talking a bit fast and was talking nonstop. 'so many things to keep track of...'

  Then he finally ended his paragragh.

  " i shall tell you the rest later."  Wait did he say the rest!? How long does this list go?

   " the rest!? There's  more to this!?"   'ugh....this guy is unbelieveble,keeping track of all of this and maybe even more....i pity the guy,he probably can't get any peace and quite doing everything...'

" here we are." I walked inside looking at the bedroom. The bedroom was royal blue with golden laces and outlines with a little bit of white in the laces.


With that he said call him if i had any questions or concerns and left.

Hey guys! I can't believe i finally published something!

Thanks for reading!  It might take a while for the next one.

But i don't think it will be that hard.

  Kise: Hey kitty last time you said that you got a writers block

Kitty:  *big sized arrow stabbed me in the back*

Kise: not to mention it lasted for a year. Poor Kitty...you couldn't publish your story till now!  *tears coming down* *walks torwards Kitty for a hug*

Kitty: *another arrow hit me in the heart*  Thud!

Kise: awwrerererere?  Kitty? *looks down*  Kitty don't die!!  *dramatically holds in arms like in movies*

Kitty: Readers.....you know what I'll just work *cough Cough* work on it now.... -_-   ....

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