Chapter 2

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Germany's POV
I arrived to the school right on time, not too early, not late. I was determined to make a good impression. Maybe they could sneak a raise in for me being perfect~ It was worth a try!

I was dressed in a blue polo shirt and nice pants, my blonde hair slicked back, as usual.

I strode down the halls searching for room 212, that was the room I was helping. Posters of the senior prom hung from the wall, it was your average high school. Eventually I came up on room 210, then 211, finally 212!

I quietly opened the door and entered the class. It was almost normal. There was one blonde boy who talked really loud with an obnoxious 'hero' laugh, and despite the class rules that stated "no food or drink" he nibbled on a burger. Not that I cared too much though, his morals were okay, I guess.

This other boy though. He was sure to be trouble. EVERY girl in the class was circled around him, as if he was some masterpiece. He casually flirted with all of them, not even caring to see them! His eyes were glued shut the whole time. To add on to that, despite the strict formal uniform, one unruly curl protruded from his bangs. It was required he comb that down!

Before my inspection could end the teacher spotted me and thanked me for helping. He handed me a rules packet. "It's fairly simple, just tell me if anything they are doing looks suspicious, and make sure they are not cheating or communicating with one another. Kay?". I nodded. The intercom speaker crackled on and a monotone voice mumbled,"testing may now begin".

Me and the teacher handed out test booklets and pencils. I did one half of the room, he did the other. In other words, I was in charge of this half, he the other. Councidentically, the playboy was on my side.

So anyway, as I passed test books out, the students would just take them and begin. The playboy,however, looked me right into the eyes, sending a shiver down my spine. His eyes were sweet like melted caramel. They glinted as he piped, "Grazie!".

"Gern geschehen", I squeaked, giving a test to the next person. What was that about?

A few minutes later and the tests were all passed out. The sound of pencil scratching paper dispersed throughout the room. I began my job, simply pacing up and down the row of desks making sure nobody broke the rules. Then I came up on the amber-haired creepo and he wasn't even taking the test!! He was drawing in the booklet!

I got out my manual and flipped through. Is this legal?! I can't  see anything about doodling! Defeated, I turned my eyes back toward the paper. He was drawing a cat, but not like a cute cartoon, it looked like a real kitten was peering through his page. I myself am more of a dog person but I won't refuse to admit this was amazing.

I guess I stayed there too long because the boy turned around, looked right at me again, and smiled. I blushed at calmly walked away, monitoring other kids. Why did I blush? Why am I... Uncomfortable around this certain boy.

But he was on my side of the room, so after a bit longer I returned to his desk to see he had actually filled out quite a few pages of the test, but on his paper now was yet another drawing. But this time he drew... Me.

My Sweet Teacher GeritaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang