First Mission (Part 1)

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Davenport woke us up around six thirty the next morning.

"Up! Everyone up!" he urged, opening our capsules. "I just got an important mission alert. Some guy saying his family's stuck in a fire. Suit up."

We were in our mission suits in a flash.

"Bree, you'll have to superspeed there with the boys. I'll send you the coordinates on your chip. Leo and I will be on comm. set."

I grabbed Adam and Chase's arms. "Hold on tight."

When we arrived at the destination, something seemed off.

"There is no fire," Chase observed, speaking to Davenport over comm. set. "Just an old warehouse."

"Happy you could visit," a voice suddenly came from behind us. We all whirled around to see a glimpse of a dark figure before something shocked us and everything went black.



It was Wednesday and we were waiting on Bree to show up to teach her class. Except, class was supposed to have started an hour ago, and there was no sign of her.

Now that I think about it, there hadn't been a sign of Adam, Bree, or Chase.

That's when Leo ran into the classroom, out of breath. "A-Allison...Ara...Arly—" he panted. "Come with headquarters—emergency...."

Oh, no. We wasted no time as Allison grabbed Leo and supersped off while I latched onto Arly and supersped with her. When we arrived at the mentors' headquarters, Davenport was pacing.

"What's wrong?" I asked, stepping forward.

"Adam, Bree and Chase were sent on a mission but it was a trap. Now, they're in trouble."

Allison gasped and Arly tried to remain calm. "So why'd you call us here?"

He looked at us grimly. "You three, by far, have some of the most powerful abilities, and I can count on your abilities. I'm sending you on a rescue mission with Leo."

My voice shook a little. "Mr. Davenport, we haven't trained enough for this. What if something goes wrong?"

"We'll just have to have hope. Now, I'm letting you guys borrow three of Bree's backup mission suits. Get in their capsules."

We did as ordered, somewhat hesitant.

And when we stepped out, we looked hot.

I mean, yeah, the whole 'first mission' thing was definitely going to be a mess, but why not look fashionable while kicking butt? And I felt so happy when I saw the way Leo looked at Allison. He was so in love.

"I'm sending the coordinates to your chips. Be careful! I don't need to send any more backup."

We nodded and grabbed onto our rides (Alli and Arly), and let them superspeed us away.


When we got there, it was nothing but an old warehouse. "Mr. Davenport..." I sounded way more uneasy then I had meant to.

"Be on guard," he advised.

"Everyone, form a circle back to back," Leo ordered, and since he was the one who had been doing this long enough out of the four of us, we followed orders.

"See anyone?" Allison whispered.


"Maybe we should split up and search instead," Arly suggested. "Whoever captured them isn't going to come out while we're positioned like this."

"Good idea. Everyone stay in tune with comm. set!"

We all headed into the warehouse. Arly and I took upstairs duty while Allison and Leo searched downstairs.

Suddenly, Arly fidgeted. "Ugh, I just got shivers."

"Yeah, this place is beyond creepy."

Arly went down the hall and I searched the rooms at the top of the stairs. After about ten minutes, I came back out into the hall.


No answer.


"Ara, what's wrong?" I heard Leo and Allison's footsteps come to the bottom of the stairs.

"Arly's gone!"

There was one thing we knew—down this long, long hallway, our sister was somewhere.


I woke up with a throbbing headache. Where are we?

When my vision came into focus, I saw Adam and Bree in cages with bars made from lasers. On the top of them was titanium, which blocked our chips' signals. I was in a cage as well.

"Adam? Bree?" My voice was hoarser than I thought it would be.

Bree moaned but Adam was still out cold.

Just then, our capturer walked in. I couldn't identify them—they had a face mask on and only their eyes were showing. The rest of their body was covered as well, decked out in a black cloak.

"Who are you?" I barked.

The antagonist looked at me for a split second before opening an empty cage and throwing somebody in, the victim crumpling up in a heap.

I noticed that they were wearing one of Bree's mission suits. What—oh my god. Reality set in as I realized that it was Arly.

She moaned, and then, with wobbling arms, pushed herself up. She turned and saw me, and her eyes widened. "Chase, where am I? What is going on?"

I looked down, searching for an answer. I didn't know, because without my chip, I was useless.

"I don't know, but we all we really need to know is that everyone is okay."

See, that advice would've worked out.

But as soon as I finished saying that, the most bloodcurdling scream echoed throughout the building.

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