The date.

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We walked from my apartment and got to Dundrum about 25 minutes later. We were a bit early so we went into penny's and got some clothes. Then we went into urban outfitters and I got Cian a little notebook that had a music note on the cover which I thought was cute so I got that then went downstairs to look at the guy clothes but there was nothing there that would suit Brendan or Cian. Brendan said he would meet Louise at Nandos because he was getting a lift with Cian anyway.

Once we got to Nandos Cian, Brendan and Josh were standing outside. Brendan had a bag from Urban Outfitters in his hand and Cian had his hands behind his back. I couldn't help but smile like a lunatic when I saw Cian. When we got to them Louise took something out of her bag "this is for you two," she said. It seemed to be a bag full of American sweets. "Thanks Louise, I've always wanted to try jolly ranchers!" said Josh. "I... Um... Got this for... Um... You'" said Brendan. He must have been so nervous. "What time does the movie finish at?" I asked. "Um... half four I think." replied Josh. "Okay thanks  I'll meet you guys back here at five," I stated.

They walked off after that to catch the movie so it also was just me and Cian. "I got you something in urban outfitters. It's not much but it just screamed your name!" I gave Cian the bag he lifted the notebook out and started to laugh, "let me guess you already have it?" I asked, "no, no, no," he said, " it's just. I was going to get it a few minutes ago but I didn't." I smiled but thought in my head "phew!"
"I got you these," he handed me two tickets, "were doing a show in vicar street and I got you front row tickets so I can see you," I looked into his eyes. They were such a nice shade of blue. I wonder if it's like an ocean blue or a sky blue. It kind of looked like both, ocean in the outside, sky on the inside. "Awe, thanks Cian!" I smiled.

We walked inside of Nandos and sat down. "Do you ever eat at Nandos?" Cian asks. "Yeah! Like, every time I go to DunDrum I would either go here, wagamommas or that noodle bar," I said, "what about you?", "Me?" he  asked as if it was a question, "I never get to go to anywhere because I'm always so busy with hometown." He sighed, "well it's worth it, right?" I asked, "yea, I guess, it's great fun with the lads and I'm able to do what I love to do!" He replied. I looked at the menu looking for something that wouldn't be messy to eat or that I would look ugly eating but there was nothing so I decided I would get chicken with peri peri sauce with the rice on the side like I usually get. "So what are you having?" Cian looked up at me, I looked up and our eyes met. I have never seen eyes like his before. Light blue on the inside ombré into dark blue. "Oh. Um. I'll... um... get the chicken with peri peri and rice on the side, what about you?" I asked Cian, "well that's for me to know and you to find out," I looked deeper into his eyes. Just then I realised he was getting up from his seat. "Im paying," I stood up from my seat. "No you're not, sit back down." Cian ordered me, "fine. But I'm paying for my own meal," I stated. "Don't be stupid Ayesha. I'm paying!" Cian looked like he was getting nervous that I would pay so I smirked and said, "fine then." What I'm going to do is put the money in his pocket or wallet when he's not looking.

When Cian got back he was holding our food. He sat down and gave me my food, "thank you" I said with a smile, "no bother" he said, I looked at what Cian was having and he was having the same as me but with garlic bread. "So you like what I eat," he laughed, "no I acctually get this when I'm here," we both laughed.

Once we ate we decided we would walk around Dundrum, "wanna go to urban outfitters?" Cian looked at me. "Alright!" I smiled and we walked into urban outfitters. We started looking at all the cool decorations and I went ahead and bought an eos and Cian insisted on buying me this cool camera lens coffee cup. After that we went back outside because it was 5:00 to meet Louise and the others.
We walked to Nandos and saw them waiting so we raced up to them. Once we got there Cian was panting. "Don't have a fit Cian," said Josh, we all started laughing. Once we stopped laughing and Cian had his breath back Josh turned to Louise, "thanks for letting be a third wheel," he said. "No bother," laughed Louise. "I'll see you guys soon I guess, Bye!" I said then me and Louise started to walked back to my house.

All the guys girlfriends are filled right now but if you still want to be one of the guys girlfriend (even Brennie and Cian) then DM me x

That One Irish BoybandOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora