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Suho POV:

Now I am on my way to Chorong, I haven't seen her for a long time. It became awkward between us after my best friend Woohyun died. I was depressed and didn't wanted to see my friends often because it would have felt strange without Woohyun. He was my best friend since we were kids. He died 6 month ago and now I am taking his ex fiancee, thats really awkward.

He was infront of her door and rang the bell. Chorong opened the door and was looking at him.

Chorong took her bag and ttgen they walked to his car. They just said "HI" to each other and nothing more. He opend the passenger seat door so that she could get in.

He wore black suit pants with a white shirt. It was simple but Chorong thought that he looked really good.

Suho: And Chorong how are you?

Chorong: I am fine and you?
Suho: Me too, how is your work doing?

Chorong: Its great with the kids, everyday something else happens. And how is the work in your company? I heard that you are  a CEO now.

Suho: Yes I am a CEO. My father doesn't wanted to work anymore. He just wanted to travel with my mother so I volunteered the be CEO.

He smiled at her but she didn't gave any reaction.Then there was the silence again, this awkward situation.

Suho: What did you buy Eunji for her birthday?

Chorong: I bought a dress she always wanted?

Suho: Actually I wasn't sure, I bought a bracelet. I hope she will like it.

Chorong: I am sure she will like it. I think she likes you.

Suho: What are you talking about? I don't think so. Why do you think like that?

Chorong: I don't know, she always talkes about you for the last months.

Suho: I think you misunderstood her because I know who she likes.

Chorong: Really, who is it? Why do you know it and I don't know?

Suho: Maybe because you weren't yourself since 6 months.

Suho POV:

Oh no what did I say? Why did I say something like that?

Chorong was a bit shocked, she couldn't say anything but she knew that he was right. She haven't met her friends often, this is actually the first time she will met all of them.

Suho: I am sorry I shouldn't have said something about that.

Chorong: NO, you don't need to be sorry, It's true that I wasn't myself but just let us talk about something else.

Suho: OKay.

Chorong and Suho began to talk about their High School days. They were in the same High school but they actually became friends just after the High school ended. He get to know Chorong after he found out that she was Woohyuns girlfriend. They talked about the teachers and the schools famous girl named Minah. They talked and laughed and the awkward atmosphere was gone.

Both of them arrived at the bar where Eunji would be celebrating her Birthday. They walked in together and then her friends walked directly to Chorong and hugged her. She couldn't see where Suho went. After all the greetings she sat on the bar and looked at the people which also came to the Party. She saw most of them. She felt that things changed between them. Most of them looked like couples. She was shocked to see Eunji with Hoya because they actually  hated each other. She was asking her if they were dating.... Then someone sat beside her.

Lost, Hope, Love (Surong / Exopink)Where stories live. Discover now