Questions 2

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Niall took my hand in his and pulled me closer to him whispering a few sweet things into my ear sending shivers down my spine.

"I must confess something."


"I have another surprise for you, Princess."

"I have to do this. Today is our two year anniversary." He had a nervous smile on his face.

I totally forgot about it, since I had so much to think about.

"Did you forget?" He looked expectantly at me.

"No, of course not."

I lied to him for the first time in my life, but he was so excited, and I didn't want to spoil his mood.

We finally reached the third floor, where, displayed before us, were the most beautiful view ever. The people on the ground looked so tiny, like ants.

"There is another reason I brought you up here."

He started fiddling in his pockets, pulling out a black velvet box from his pants pocket.

He looked nervous and was shaking so much that he almost dropped the box, but he quickly let out a deep breath.

He went down on one knee in front of me, and that is when I knew that he wanted to spend forever with me, but I was not ready for such a big step yet.

If I stay with him, I am going to be the reason that he is going to lose all his fans.

"I love you Zenè, to tell you the truth, I have loved you from that first moment I met you. I want to spend forever with you."

When I look at him, it's like all my problems just fade away. Time stops, and it's only the two of us.

When he looks at me, I feel like the most beautiful girl in the world.

When he wraps his arms around me, I feel safe like no one can harm me.

When he smiles, the world smiles with him, even me.

He could have any girl in the world, but he chose me, the plain Jane, the girl that was rude to him.

I was happy with him; I needed a healthy, stable relationship after, everything that happened within my family.

Niall was my escape from the sadness I had in my life.

He was my key to happiness. He made me smile for no reason, he gave me butterflies.

When he kisses me, it feels like I am floating, my feelings for him was real, and his feelings for me was true.

To get back to reality, his fans didn't approve of this relationship; they didn't like me, and I didn't know why. I have to choose between the person that makes me happy or my own happiness because this was getting too much for me.

I knew he was the one for me, and I loved him more than anything, but I have to let go and be happy again, without people bringing me down.

It was the most difficult thing in my life that I had to do. It is not only his heart that I was going to break, but it was my heart as well that was breaking in the process.

I have to say goodbye to the one person that made me feel safe, the one that made me happy.

Life is so unfair.

"Zenè Carter, will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me? Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

I wanted to speak so badly, but it was like whenever I wanted to say something, my mind would go blank, and I forgot what I wanted to say.

"Niall... I.... please forgive me. I can't do this."

I ran to the elevator and left him standing there; I had to leave before he started asking questions. I looked back, and he just stood there, looking lost and confused.

*Stay sweet Xoxo ✌.

A New Life, A Big Change {N.H} Book 1Where stories live. Discover now