The meal was pretty much silent from that point on, but was delicious. Steak and veggies. Yum. After I was finished off with my plate, Lucian turned to mile at me. "Would you like to go for a walk outside? Get some air?" He asked, looking hopefull and I shurgged and nodded a quick yes. Why not right? All the better to learn more and get close.

The woods outside of the house was peaceful and wonderful. Every wolf's dream. My wolf was desperate to shift and go for a run, but I didn't have that luxery here. "So where is you dad? I didn't see him at dinner." I said, even though I knew he was murdered by rogues.

The funny thing was, the rogues that attacked, I and a few others took care of. It was a small world after all. I looked at his face and it was in a sad frown. "He died. Murdered." I let out a gasp, I really was sorry for what happened. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to mention him like that. If I would have known-" He put a finger against my lips to stop me mid sentance.

He looked me deep in the eyes and smiled. "It's alright, you didn't know. We all moved on somewhat, but we will never forget." I nodded to what he said. You never forget the one's you have lost and loved.

The rest of the evening went the same way. Small talk and getting to know each other in a silly game of 20 questions. It was nice to get away from my life for a short period of time, but I wouldn't want it to be a permanent fixture. More like a small vacation.

We eventually got back into his truck and made our way back to the town to drop me back off at my car. I didn't really say goodbye to anyone but his mother. Sure she wasn't fond of me, that was obvious, but I had manners when I needed them.

His creepy brother also watched me like a hawk when I went in to say goodbye. I really needed to find out what his deal was. I didn't need him stiring up shit for me.

"I had a great time with you tonight Victoria. I'm also sorry for the rudeness of my brother. Ever since his girlfriend and my dad died, he has been a completely different person." I gave him a sad smile. "It's alright, everyone deals with their problems in some way or another. I didn't take offense to anything." He sighed with relief.

"Good, um...I was wondering if you wanted to do something tomorrow. Like in the evening or something. We can maybe go into the city to catch a movie or up to the lake." He rambled on and I chuckled. So he was already becoming smitten with me. This was indeed a good sign.

I nodded and smiled brightly at him. I leaned in quickly and placed a small kiss onto his cheek. "Sure that sounds great. I'll meet you at the cafe say at about 6?" I said and he nodded in agreeance. With that I stepped out of his truck and made my way back to my little Toyota.

I was making great progress and I was thrilled. A little more and I wouldn't have tp be stuck in this damn town much longer. Yes vacation was always a good time, but there was no place like home.


I walked into my crappy motel room and grabbed my phone to dial up my father. He answered on the first ring. "Hi baby girl." He said and I smiled. I loved hearing his voice. "Hi dad. I have made some progress. I met the family." I told him. 

"That's great news hunny, soon enough you'll be able to come home to us. Your mother misses you to bits." He said and I sighed. "Well tell her I miss her too. She always gets like this when I go out on missions." I ended with a chuckle and he joined in. 

"Yeah she does, but your her baby. It's in her job description to worry about you." I nodded, even though he couldn't see me. "Yeah yeah I know. So I was thinking about using good ol' Belladonna to get the job done. It just seems like the right thing  do." I explained and recieved a moment of silence on the other end.

I knew he was sitting in his chair with his hand on his chin, thinking. He did that everytime he was deep in thought about something. My mother and I alway's mocked him for it. It was very amusing.

"Yeah, that could work. We will have to have someone get it to you though. So your going to have to let me know as soon as you need it. I don't want it to just be lying around there." He told me and I agreed. I didn't want anyone catching the scent. It was a plant afterall.

We finished our conversation quickly after that. I was debating calling Damien and letting him know what was going on, but I just didn't feel like getting into an arguement with him about this whole love and mate bull. So in the end I decided against it. He would live.

I took my shower and dressed in my pajamas. I was in need of some serious sleep so I crawled into bed and turned off the light. I was just about asleep when I felt the bed dip slightly.

I knew by the smell it was Damien. "You shouldn't be here." I mumbled into my pillow and he gave me a husky chuckle. "Don't worry about me Sin, just go to sleep. I just needed to see and hear you since you didn't call me. I know I deserve that though." He whispered into my ear and I sighed. This man....

He layed down next to me, wrapped his arm around my waist, and gave me a gentle kiss on my temple. I then drifted off into a peaceful dreamless sleep.

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