Chapter 2

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Cody's point of view

Eryn slowly fell asleep and I quietly got out of the bed. I quickly walked downstairs to the living room where her mom was.

" I am going to apologize ahead of time, but, I am tired of you downgrading Eryn! Can't you see what it is doing to her? She's so depressed. Nothing is her fault. Your boyfriend? It will jot be her fault if he leaves you. Stop blaming everything on her! For fucksakes she's sixteen she needs someone. She doesn't feel loved, she feels like nobody cares! For fucksake I love her to death and I care about her more than anything! She means the world to me. What she is telling herself that kills me. You need to stop worrying about your fucking boyfriend and worry about her for once, " I quickly walled upstairs before she could say anything. When I opened Eryn's door I slammed it close, which woke Eryn up. She sat up and gave me a strange look. I quickly shook my head and walked over to her closet. I pulled out two backpacks and started shoving clothes in them. She quickly walked over and gripped my arm. I shook her off and handed her the backpacks. I walked over to my pants and pulled them on. I walked back over to her and grabbed her hand. I sat her on the bed and grabbed her phone, charger and headphones. I quickly handed them to her and grabbed her shoes and handed them to her. She slipped them on and stood up, I slipped mine on and grabbed her hand. I made my way to the door and closed it behind Eryn. I walked us down the steps and right before we left her mom popped up at the door. I groaned and pulled Eryn closer to me.

" Where do you think you are going with my daughter, " She questions, tapping her foot on the floor.

" To my house for a week or two. " I said quickly and made my way around her. I pulled Eryn outside and made my way to my jeep. I quickly threw her backpacks in the backseat and made sure she got it. I walked over to my side and got in. I buckled up and started the car. I pulled out if the driveway and made my way to my house.

" Where are we going? " Eryn asked nervously.

" To my house to get me clothes and then to a hotel. Is that okay? Oh well it doesn't matter. I am going to make you feel loved for two weeks with no one saying other wise because, baby, you deserve the world. "

I pulled into my driveway and noticed my parents weren't home. Of course they weren't they were probably out drinking. I felt Eryn stare at me but I ignored it. I walked over to her side and helped her down. She grabbed my hand and laced our fingers together. I sighed and pulled her closer to me. Eryn started laughing so I gave her a weird look.

" You are outside in the middle of the night in just pants and I am in one of your shirts, " She laughed. I shook my head at her and smiled.

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