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We piled out of the Arena, hand in hand with my two internet best friends Cheryl and Jean.  We had just had the best night of our lives, not only did I see McFly live for the first time, I met my two best friends for the first time. 

The heat of our bodies was enough to cause global warming, the cold air was like a refreshing wave. We would have stopped to take a moment, to let all that we had seen sink in but excitement powered through us like  adrenaline, the buzz of the crowd still rang in our ears. We did it, we finally saw the boys live.  We had been counting down the days for at least a year, and it was worth several hours of travelling.

We were ahead of the crowd, ready to steal our very last glance at the boys. As soon as the doors opened every fan-girl chanted her lungs out.


First Dougie and Harry play fighting, they set off the piercing screams.


 Everything happened so fast, cameras flashes everywhere, there wasn't just fans waiting for the boys, the paparazzi were too. Since it had been my first and what I thought would be my last time seeing the boys, a tall Cheryl allowed me to climb up on her shoulders. On the ground I could barely see a thing but up there I could see perfectly.

My heart pounded against my rib cage, I saw  a tired blonde Tom first slapping a sweating Danny on the  back, he was looking down, they both were. 

I amongst what felt and sounded like millions chanted.


 I remember feeling disheartened at the thought that he wasn't going to see me, other girls were  being hoisted on shoulders. I did the first thing that came to mind. Danny finally looked up and his eyes nervously skimmed the crowd.

I unhooked the clasp, shouted Danny's name as loud as possible, as soon as our eyes met my fifteen year old self flashed Danny Jones and the rest of McFly boys, alongside at least two thousand people. I didn't care, at least I was going to be a memorable fan.

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