What he does when you're sick

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Sammy- Whenever you're sick, Sammy always tries his best to cheer you up, he tells your corny jokes, and lame pickup lines, but they seem to work. No matter what Sammy does you love him endlessly, and appreciate him trying to cheer you up. You find it so adorable, and when he's out of his jokes and pickup lines, he cuddles with you while telling you everything he loves about you, and you instantly feel better.  

Jack G- Every time you get sick, Jack goes out and buys you a huge teddy bear. He names it every time, making you smile at his cuteness. While you feel like crap Jack reminds you how amazing you are, and goes and buys all your favourite movies, he spends the night just watching movies with you and cuddling, along side the huge teddy bear that has started quite the collection. 

Jack J- Johnson is such a cutie when you're sick. He always gets you soup, pain medication, along side your favourite flowers. While being sick, you can't really go out and have fun, so Jack brings the fun to you. He raps about the silliest things hoping to cheer you up, and tells you about embarrassing moments that happened to him, so you don't feel as bad. In the end you end up  clutching your stomach, not in pain, but in laughter, all thanks to your amazing boyfriend. 

Nate- Nate doesn't like it when you're sick, because he doesn't like to see you in pain. So he tries to do anything and everything to make sure you don' t feel like crap. He comes over and brings literally everything that could put you in a better mood. He basically buys all the chocolate,  movies, and flowers in the store. He massages your back trying to take some of the pain away while singing to you. He cuddles with you, reminding you every chance he has, how much you mean to him. You always try to make him leave because you don't want him to get sick too, but just kisses you and says "I'd rather be in pain, then watch my princess suffer, i love you and i'm not going anywhere" he spends the night because he doesn't want to be away from you until you don't feel better. 

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