Sammy Wilkinson Imagine- Your Everything

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You loved Sammy, more than anything in this world, he was your everything. But lately he's been coming home late, ignoring your texts/ calls, spending more time with his friends, rather than you. You were happy that Sammy was living his life, and having fun. You never were a clingy girlfriend, you gave Sam all the freedom in the world, because you trust him. But you have no idea why he was becoming so distant lately, and you missed him.

He was all you had left in the world, your family had died on a plane crash, on their way back from a family vacation, you were suppose to go too, but with college admissions, and all you had to do with getting into the college you dreamt of, you couldn't go. Besides a couple college friends, and distant relatives that really didn't care if you were dead or alive, you had no one. Sammy was all you had, the reason you're alive today.

Going through a rough phase is never easy, you would cut, and starve yourself. Once Sammy found out, he was completely heartbroken, he talked you out of it, saying that you weren't alone, and that'd he would be by your side, always and forever. What happened now?

"Where is he!?" you say pacing back and forth in the apartment you and Sam share, wondering where he was. This has been going on for almost 3 weeks now. He would come home late, either drunk, high, or "too tired" and would fall asleep right away. He would leave early in the morning saying he goes to the gym. You barely see him anymore, you see him for like 15 minutes day, 17 if you're lucky.

You heard the door open, and saw you saw Sammy walk in, thank god he wasn't high or drunk tonight, because you really had to talk to him. He walked passed you, not even saying a simple "hey" or anything. He went and plopped down on the sofa. He hadn't been home for even a minute and you were already tired of putting up with his shit.

You went and sat next to him, and turned to face him. "Sammy I need to talk to you." you said clearly annoyed that he wasn't even paying attention, he was to busy texting Nate, even though they've been together all day. "What?" he said not looking up from his phone. "I don't think this relationship between us, i-is really uh wo-ork-ing out-t.." You said stuttering and looking down. By this time Sam gave you his full attention. "What do you mean?!" He said slightly raising his voice. Is he fucking serious right now?! "Sammy! Are you being serious right now?! Do you not have any idea what you've been putting me through lately?!?!" I said starting to get angry at Sam.

"I haven't done shit to you! I barely see you, how can I "put you through something?!!" He said standing up from the couch. "EXACTLY SAMMY! That's the problem! You're never home, you barely talk to me, you spend more time with your friends than you do with me! Hell I don't even remember the last date we went on, OH THAT'S RIGHT! that's because we haven't gone out in almost 3 whole fucking months! You come home either drunk, high, or "too tired" Sammy don't you get it?! You're becoming so distant and I'm pretty sure you don't even love me anymore!!!" I said yelling, and very annoyed and pissed off.

"Wow! You're so clingy! I have life too! The world doesn't revolve around you princess, so suck it up!" Sam yelled back. "Oh my fucking gosh Sammy! Are you for real right now?! Do you even hear yourself!? Oh thats right you can't cause your head is too far up your ass to fucking realize!" i said really really angry by now "Fuck you! You know what you're right I don't love you anymore, you're just a clingy bitch, and you know what your family's lucky that they're dead, so they wouldn't have to deal with your shit! Oh and cutting because they're dead, isn't gonna bring them back." Sam spat out, but instantly regretted it.

There were tears in your eyes, you can't believe that he brought your dead family and your past with cutting into this. The two things in your life that were very tragic sad moments. "Ba-abe I-i'm so-" You cut him off. "Save it Sam, I HATE YOU!!!" you yelled and ran upstairs to your bathroom.

*Trigger warning* They're will be note at the bottom to let you know when this part is over.

You instantly locked the door, and searched for your blade, once you found it, you stared at the shiny piece of metal that changed your life tragically. You were almost a year clean, but not anymore. You took the blade and ran it over your wrist a bunch of times, creating long slightly deep cuts, you couldn't help it, you kept going until you heard a loud knock on the door causing you to flinch and drop your blade.

*Read On* It's okay to read on now

It was Sam, "Babe please I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have said what I said. I love you, babe, please open up." Sam said banging on the door repeatedly, you just curled up into yourself, burying your head in to your knees, crying your eyes out. You heard the door burst open, and saw a worried sam run in. "Bab-e oh- oh my god babe!" He said rushing over to you. He wrapped you in his arms, but you didn't hug back. He looked down at your wrists, and began to tear up, "I'm such a fuck up, I'm so sorry, I know you probably hate me, but I'm so sorry, I didn't know what I was saying, I shouldn't have yelled at you, I shouldn't have said what I said, it was way out of line, I shouldn't have pushed you away, I shouldn't neglected you. I shouldn't have done any of it." Sam said, by now he was full on crying. You could tell that he was very guilty and sorry about everything. But it still hurt you, you were sensitive and weak after whatever happened to you over year ago. "I don't deserve you, you're everything amazing, and I suck, I'm the worst boyfriend ever. But I'm not lying when I say I love you, I love so fucking much." Sam said with tears coming out of his eyes, which made you cry harder. He kept stroking your hair, and tried to calm you down.

No matter what Sam says or does, you love him, you always have, you still do and you always will. You wipe your tears and stand up off the floor, Sam does the exact same. You look a him, and you can see hurt, guilt, and sadness. You can't bare to see Sam like that, You know he fucked up, and he hurt you, but it hurts you even more to see him like that. Without any thought you hug Sam like your life depended on it, you wrap your arms around him and burry your face in the crook of his neck. Like an instinct, Sam wrapped you in his embrace, pulling you closer into him. He whispered apologizes over and over again, and that he loved you. After a bit, you pull away and look him in the eyes. "I love you Sammy, I always have, and I know you messed up, but I'm just glad you realize it." You say and smash your lips onto his, and he kisses back. he pulls away and looks at, "I was such an idiot, the reason I was becoming more and more distant from you was because, I thought you didn't love me anymore, and so I thought it was easier for me to slowly slowly just try to drift away from you, so it would be easier, if you were going to break up with me, I don't know what i was thinking, I honestly wasn't thinking at all, I'm just so sorry, I love you, I really do and I-" you cut him of by placing your lips onto his, he smiled through the kiss and so did you. "Just shut up already, I love you." You said chuckling alittle.

Before walking out Sammy looked at your wrists and his eyes began to tear up again, "Its my fault, It's all my fault, why do I have to be such a idiot," He said slightly crying. "Sammy c'mon, babe don't cry, we all make mistakes, but hey because of you I was almost a whole year clean." You said smiling at him with your hand on his shoulder. "Ya almost, you could've been a whole year clean if it wasn't for me fucking it up." He said lowly. "Sammy, stop being so hard on yourself, I forgave you, you can too" You said holding his face in your hands. "I guess, but come here." He said picking you up and placing you on the counter.

He grabs the first aid kit from under the sink and cleans up your cuts, and then bandages them up. When he's done, he kisses them, and you, while bringing you down off the counter. "Let's go cuddle." he said flashing his million dollar smile that you love. "Let's go," you say puling him into your guys room and laying on your bed. He pulls the covers over the both of you and pulls you into his chest. "I love you so much, and I don't know what I would do, if you ever left me, I know I mess up a lot, but please don't leave me princess, I love you, you're beautiful, and you're my everything." He and kissed you softly but passionately. "Sammy I love you too, and I could never leave you, it would be like leaving the world, because you are my world, you're my everything, I love you so much."

And with that you two just layed there in each others arms and thought how lucky you both were, for having each other. You loved him, and he loved you, and that's all you needed in this world. He was your everything.

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