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It's been a month that the guild haven't noticed the presence of Lucy even she is visible. Lucy will ask some members to go with her for a mission but they will refuse only Wendy, Carla, Levy, Juvia, Lily, Lisanna, Happy and Gajeel would go with her to missions. But she got depressed that even her team hasn't persuade her to go on a mission instead Natsu would persuade Lisanna to go with them on missions. Erza and Gray would ask why Natsu only ask Lisanna and not Lucy, Lisanna also noticed this and she also got depressed because she knew that Lucy is a permanent member of Team Natsu.

Until one day...

"Lucy, I am going to tell you something." Natsu said while walking towards Lucy who is very depressed.

"What is it?" Lucy asked with a depressing tone

"I am kicking you out of the guild and to be replaced by Lisanna." Natsu said, Lisanna widen in shock also did the other members of the guild while Lisanna heard what Natsu said and she quickly rushes towards him and slapped him in the face leaving a red mark

"Did you just told Lucy to leave your team and be replaced by me? Are you dumb?!" Lisanna yelled at Natsu

"But I wanted you to be in the team." Natsu said, Lucy stands from her chair and walked towards Natsu, she slapped him harder than Lisanna

"I am depressed, I was ignored and now I got kicked by you. Looks like what I believe about family wasn't all a family either." Lucy said and with that she slapped Natsu hard leaving a dark red mark on his face and she started walking towards the guild's door

"Lucy, wait it's all just a misunderstanding." Lisanna tried to stop Lucy but Lucy didn't listen

"Be responsible, you have replaced me and there's no need for me to stay in that position." Lucy said and she started to walk towards the guild's bar before walking to the guild's door

"Mira-san, give this to master and tell him to never look for me or for anyone in the guild. I am leaving the guild." Lucy said and gave a letter to Mirajane who's eyes widened as she heard what Lucy said. She broke into tears

"Lucy, please don't leave. Please, please." Mirajane begged, the guild soon tried to stopped him. Natsu just stood there frozen

"Lucy, wait!" The guild members called while trying to get Lucy's attention. They tried to ran towards her but she suddenly pulled three golden keys.

"Open gate of the bull, Taurus. Open gate of the maiden, Virgo. Open gate of the lion, Loke." Lucy casted with a small tone and to that Taurus, Virgo and Loke appeared

"Please, block them." Lucy commanded with pain in her voice and tears started to drop down from her face. She wave her hand goodbye but the hand she wave was the hand where her Fairy Tail guild mark was printed on but now it's gone. The three celestial spirits formed a barrier

"LUCY!!"The guild members screamed and with that Lucy disappeared

"We are sorry but it's, princess, order." Virgo said with a sad face

"I am sorry Fairy Tail, but I will be leaving the guild too. I will never be a member of this guild anymore but a celestial spirit of Lucy." Loke said with a sad face

"We are sorry mooooo." Taurus said with a sad tone

"Goodbye." The three celestial spirits of Lucy finally bid goodbye and disappeared, the barrier also disappeared. The members ran outside to find Lucy but to no avail she was gone.

Master, Erza and Gray arrived in the guild. They found the members crying and Natsu standing frozen.

"What happened here?" Erza asked, Mirajane handed her a letter

"Lucy wanted to give this to master." Mirajane said and she handed Erza the letter.

"Master, a letter from Lucy." Erza said and she handed Master the letter. Master opened the letter and widen.


"Lucy told me to never find her." Mirajane said, Erza and Gray viewed the letter and they also widen until they heard Lisanna yelling at Natsu

"THIS IS ALL YOU'RE FAULT!!! IF YOU DIDN'T KICKED LUCY IN THE GROUP!!! SHE WOULDN'T LEAVE THE GUILD!!! YOU'RE PATHETIC!!!" Lisanna yelled at Natsu and punched him in the face, Erza's face turned black and crumpled the paper. She spawned a sword and rushes towards Natsu and beat him up.

Everyone got angry at what Natsu did.

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