Suddenly, a bright light flashed before him and he skittered back just enough steps to avoid the incoming object.  A car rushed by, sending a wave of muddy water onto him.  Looking down, Seth realized he was on a road, though he could barely make out the black pavement.

"Dannie!" he called.  It was a futile effort as he was sure his voice would be drowned out by the thunder rolling in the clouds.

Deciding to continue walking as there was no going back, he thought about his girlfriend Kate.  Their relationship was similar to the situation he was in now.  All dark and gloomy, with no idea of what was coming next.  Sometimes, he had wondered why he was dating her but then he would quickly realize that that was no way to think about a relationship.  

He knew he liked her, he really did.  Sometimes he just forgot to put his whole heart into maintaining a working relationship though.  It was often a lot of work.

Suddenly, a blue streak of lightning flashed through the sky, momentarily illuminating his surroundings.  It seemed to be a miracle, for Seth identified a figure not ten feet away from him that could be none other than Dannie. 

His relief was temporary however, as a startling scream pierced through the air.

Dannie trudged through what she knew was the graveyard.  Though she couldn't see anything, she knew that she was close to home now and then she would be able to shower and forget about everything.

Her thought rested briefly on Seth and she wondered if he was okay.  He's a guy, he can handle himself, she told herself trying to reassure her conscious.  But in reality, she knew he didn't know the place well and he could very well be lost.  A horrifying thought struck and her hands knotted together as she considered the possibility.

What if he died in the storm?

Dannie pushed the thought away and repeatedly slapped her hand to her head as if chasing the thought off.  It was just her memories playing tricks on her.  

A flash of lightning lit up the sky and her eyes landed on a certain tombstone.

Cece Robins

A frightened shriek left her mouth as she read the name.  It was as if something otherworldly had led her here.  Maybe her subconscious had done it, or maybe a dead Cece was trying to tell her something?

Dannie's body shook uncontrollably as she thought about it.  Did Cece hate her for that night?  Dannie shook her head at herself, chuckling humorlessly under her breath.  Of course Cece hated her now.  She had gotten her killed.  Killed.  She was dead.

"Dannie?" a familiar voice called out.  "Are you okay?"

Dannie turned her head in wonder as Seth's familiar body came closer to her.  How had he found her?  It was near impossible in this type of weather.

"I'm fine," Dannie croaked.  She cleared her throat as well as her thoughts.  "We should probably get home."

Dannie let out a sigh of relief when Seth didn't question her further and held onto her arm as they exited the graveyard and toward their houses.  It was as if Dannie had never almost slipped up and told him her little secret.

She was glad that it was this way.  Who knew how he would react if he found out?  

As they carefully made their way home, that chattered occasionally about the smallest things.  Never once did the topic what had happened in the cave come up, and Dannie was grateful for it.

They said their goodbyes as they finally approached their houses.  

When Dannie arrived at home, she closed the front door and looked around for her family.  Surprisingly, nobody greeted her and she was met only by the sound a sweet voice that could belong none other than to Katy.

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