Chp. 25

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I wake up to an empty bed and frown sitting up. I check the clock and it reads 9:30. Getting out of bed I trudge into the living  room smelling food.
"Xaiver?" I ask and he calls me into the kitchen.
"Hey babe." He gives me a kiss and continues making food. "Thought you might want breakfast before we leave."
I nod a smile forming on my lips.
After making breakfast we sit at the table. My stomach growls at the sight of pancakes and bacon.
"Eat up." He says and we dig in hurrying because we have to catch our flight.
After eating we pick up every up and pack up our things.
"Ready to go?" He asks as we walk out of our room.
---at the airport---
Walking in we board the plane after ordering coffee and some sandwiches for the ride.
Sitting in the comfy velvet chairs I plug my mint green headphones in my tv and decide to watch the music channel.
I look at Xaiver and chuckle at his sleeping form. I snuggle up into his side falling asleep.
I wake up to Xaiver nudging me and I groan.
"I don't wanna get up." I mumble making him stifle a laugh.
"We are almost home." He says shaking me lightly.
I've slept that long? I ask myself and wake up rubbing my eyes.
"Hi babe." He says smiling down at me and I smile back giving him a kiss.
He hands me a latte and I gladly except as we land back home.
Hey guys! Sorry that it isn't that long but I wanted to update so here it is. The book is finally almost done and I'm so happy. Anyways im thinking about two sequels and I need help. Thx
---Love, Skye---

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