Chres- "Chresanto Junior."

Tina- *nods* "Continue please."

Chres- "Prehia and the triplets, CJ, Trey and Aaliyah are our kids. Then there is the nieces and nephews. Kaden is Monique and Craig's daughter. Then there is Royalty and King. Then her brothers and sisters kids, Kamilo, Jasmine, Trevor, King Jr. and Kaden."

Tina- "There is two King's and two Kaden's?"

Chres- *Nod*

Tina- "Okay, that is a lot of kids. Any more on the way?"

Chres- *nod*

Tina- "Do you mind me asking by who?"

Chres- "No not at all. We are having another baby in I think it was what two months?"

Yn- "Three."

Chres- "In three months."

Tina- "Yn, you don't look six months pregnant." *Confused*

Chres- *Chuckles* "It's actually my mom's baby. We are adopting him and we also adopted Prehia from my mom. We treat her just like we do the triplets. The triplets are actually mine and Yn's. She got pregnant literally right after we got married."

Everyone- *Laughs*

Tina- "Well, it is really sweet for you to do that for them. How is your mom?"

Chres- "34 I think."

Yn- "She's 33, Chres."

Chres- "She's 33, Chres."

Everyone- *Laughs*

Tina- "So, I think that Yn is the one that knows all when it comes to things like that."

Chres- *nods* "Only with things to do with my mom."

Tina- "Can I ask why?"

Chres- "Yeah, we don't really get along." *rubs back of neck*

Tina- "Ah, so like a Eminem situation."

Chres- "Kind of. My dad died when I was like 8 and after that, my mom abandoned me. I met Yn when we were 12. Then her parents abandoned her so, we moved in together. I didn't hear from my mom til I was 17 almost 18. She basically said either I take Prehia or she is gonna be put in the system. I didn't want that and neither did Yn and at the time we were dating so, we both agreed to take her. It was more like I told her and she picked up the phone and said to call her. Yn's very bossy."

Everyone including Yn- *laughs*

Yn- "I really am."

Torrence- "So, you to actually had about the same exact lives."

Yn & Chres- *Nod*

Yn- "Yeah, my dad died when I was 2. My mom got remarried when I was 4 and they left when I was 13. Luckily, I met Chres a year before that. We helped each other out a lot."

Everyone- "Aww"

Tina- "How did y'all meet? Through school?"

Yn- "No, he didn't like going. But I got him to change his mind."

Tina- "How?"

Yn- "How did I get him to change his mind? Or how did we meet?"

Tina- "Both."

Yn- "Uh, I don't know if I can say that in on TV."

Tina- "It'll beep it out if you can't."

Yn- "Okay, well I said 'Nigga, you better start taking yo' ass to school befo' I have to beat it.' And I guess he was scared of me cause he started going. And we met through work."

Trynna Make It (Yn and Roc Royal Story)Where stories live. Discover now